Important Update: Archer Community Scheduled Maintenance on November 23–24 - New Community Launching Soon! Learn More..

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Archer Employee
Archer Employee

Welcome to the Archer Community!

The online Archer Community provides a central location for integrated risk management peers to find answers, ask questions, and connect with their fellow risk practitioners.  The Archer Community also provides a communication channel for Archer to reach out to our customers and partners with educational opportunities, best practice thought leadership, and mechanisms to identify opportunities to improve and extend the Archer Suite.

Usage Guidelines

Please remember that accounts created on the Archer Community represent an individual and should not be registered using a team distribution list.  Also, please remember that you may not share your registered account with any other individual, entity, or organization. 

While our community is aimed at Archer customers and users, we welcome everyone with an interest in enterprise communities, as long as you observe these community rules:

  1. Be Respectful.
    Respect people's time and attention by asking well-thought-out questions and sharing what you've learned so far in your experimentation or prior research. Respect people as individuals by keeping your tone positive and your comments constructive.

  2. Be relevant.
    Make sure your contributions are relevant to the mission of the Archer community, to the specific discussion style, and the topic where you post. Please do not post duplicate messages in different areas of the community to avoid fragmenting discussion. If you have a new question, start a new thread rather than interrupting a conversation. Solicitations are rarely relevant. If you have something you want members to join, participate in, or buy, ask us first.

  3. Keep your word.
    Don't post anything that would violate any contractual agreements (copyright, trade secret, or otherwise) or nondisclosure agreements to which you are a party.

  4. Protect privacy - yours and others'.
    Don't share anything about yourself or your organization that you would not want to see on a road-side billboard. Share your business email address if you wish, but don't post personal information-your own or anyone else's (including contact information or any). content that you receive in one-to-one communications without the author's consent.

  5. Remember, this is user-generated content.
    You'll find plenty of good advice here, but remember that your situation, configuration, or implementation may vary from that of the individual sharing a solution. Some advice you find here may even be wrong. Apply the same good judgment here that you would apply to information anywhere on the Internet.

By using these forums you agree to follow these rules as well as the full  Terms of Use for the Archer Suite. We thank you, and your fellow community members thank you.

The Archer Logo and Archer Employees

You will notice that some community members have a Archer logo next to their names. This means they are Archer employees.

Like you, they are members of the community and we encourage them to share their knowledge and opinions here.


To the extent that Archer processes your Personal Data, acting as a Data Controller, it shall do so in accordance with Archer’s Privacy Statement.

Feedback & Ideas

We want this to be the best community it can possibly be - so let us know what you think, or how we can help improve your experience on the Archer Community by visiting Archer Ideas. We know you have tons of ideas for improving the Archer Suite.  When "Suggesting a New Idea" for the Community, be sure to add the label "Community" to the Idea. Be sure to review Frequently Asked Questions: Archer Ideas before posting your idea.

If you have questions for Archer that cannot be discussed in the community, please contact:

We will be happy to help!

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If you recognize any violation of these guidelines, please notify us within the community by choosing "Report Inappropriate Content" from the message's Options menu and let us know why you feel the content is inappropriate.

If you have any questions about our guidelines, terms, or policies, let us know.



I cannot start a conversation without belonging to a user group. I do see anything with my profile. 

I have questions I want to share with the community. 

Please help.


Contributor III

When accessing the new Archer Online Help Center, I do not see a Search field in the header.

I sent an email to Community Support last week but have not heard anything.  

What is the normal turn around time? 

Unfortunately, without the "Search" field, the online help isn't very helpful.


Archer Employee
Archer Employee

Hi @Deepaksharma239 ,

This is a great question but it needs to be added to the Discussions area to be addressed by our team. So I'm moving the post to the right area. 



Archer Employee
Archer Employee

Hi @Manasa ,

I'm moving your inquiry to our Discussions area to be properly addressed.


Archer Employee
Archer Employee

Hi @matassi ,

Would you please try again now. Your account privileges have been updated. You can post your questions here Let me now if the issue persists.


Contributor II

Hi there, I am unable to select the board, hence cant start a thread. Are you able to fix it for me please. 


Contributor II

Hello, still cant start a new topic. Can someone look into this please. Also, would be helpful to share the link of my query (which I believe has been moved ) so I can I track the responses. Thanks.

Archer Employee
Archer Employee

Hi @dhingu ,

Your account privileges have been updated and you have now full access to the community, Please try again and let me know if you're still facing any issues.. Thanks!


@YasmineDowidar i can't access Archer blogs. i had the access previously. Now , it says access denied. Could you please help? 

Archer Employee
Archer Employee

Hi @ssax ,

Your account privileges have been updated. You should be all set now. Thanks!


is there any API in archer which would get me all the updated records or edited records of the particular application only ?

Archer Employee
Archer Employee

@Avadhdobariya you can create a report in the application and call the SearchRecordsByReport ( (Web Services) API to get the data.


http://localhost/RSAarcher/contentapi/Risk_Register?top=2&skip=0&orderby=Risk_Register_Id desc

does the Content api of the archer supports Order by ? Below is the JSON Response

"@odata.context": "http://localhost/RSAarcher/contentapi/Risk_Register/$metadata#Risk_Register",
"value": [
"Risk_Register_Id": 308630,
"Actual_Annualized_Loss_Amount": 0,
"Actual_Response_Date": null,
"Adjusted_Qual_Residual_Risk": [
"Not Rated"
"Adjusted_Qual_Risk_Impact": [
"Not Rated"
"Adjusted_Qual_Risk_Likelihood": [
"Not Rated"
"Adjusted_Quantitative_Residual_Risk": [],
"Adjusted_Quantitative_Risk_Helper": 0,
"Annual_Inherent_Risk": 0,
"Annual_Loss_Expectancy": 0,
"Annual_Residual_Risk": 0,
"Applications": [],
"Assessment_Approach": [
"Qualitative Survey"
"Assessment_Method": [],
"Audit_Engagement_Risk_Register": [],
"Audit_Entity": [],
"Audit_Entity_Risks_Based_On_Last_Audit_C": [],
"Average_Cost_of_Controls": 0,
"Average_Loss_Amount": 0,
"Avg_No_of_Inherent_Occurrences": 0,
"Avg_No_of_Residual_Occurrences": 0,
"BU_Empty_Do_Not_Delete": [
"Business_Processes_Risk_Register": [],
"Business_Unit_Coordinator": [],
"Business_Unit_Risk_Owner": [],
"Business_Units": [
"CEO_Signoff_Threshold": 0,
"CFO_Signoff_Threshold": 0,
"Company": [
"Company_Objectives": [],
"Compliance_Manager": [],
"Content_Source": [],
"Control_Profile": "<font>\n<table cellpadding=\"20\" cellspacing=\"10\">\n<tbody><tr>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Type </b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Process </b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 2</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> </b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b>Frequency </b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Daily or Recurring</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"center\"></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Technical </b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"></td>\n<td align=\"center\"></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Weekly</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Control Placement </b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Preventive </b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"></td>\n<td align=\"center\"></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Monthly</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"center\"></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Detective </b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"></td>\n<td align=\"center\"></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Quarterly</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Control Design </b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Manual </b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"></td>\n<td align=\"center\"></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Annually</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"center\"></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Automated </b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"></td>\n<td align=\"center\"></td>\n<td align=\"center\"></td>\n<td align=\"center\"></td>\n</tr>\n</tbody></table>\n</font>",
"Controller_Signoff_Threshold": 0,
"Copy_of_Inherent_Impact_Justification": null,
"Copy_of_Inherent_Risk__QS": [
"Not Rated"
"Count_Business_Unit_Risk_Owners": 0,
"Count_of_Controls": 2,
"Count_of_NonCompliant_Controls": 0,
"Create_Metrics": [
"Create_Risk_Scenario_Flag": [
"Not Ready"
"Created_From_Library": [
"Current_Approval_Status": null,
"Currently_Included_In_Open_Assessment": [
"Date_of_Last_Execution": null,
"Date_Residual_Risk_Qual_Updated": "2023-06-22T06:24:00Z",
"Date_Risk_Factors_Last_Changed": null,
"Default_Record_Permissions": [
"RM: Admin",
"RM: Read Only"
"Description": "<p>&nbsp;RSK-308630 edited</p>",
"DFM_Risk_Key": null,
"Division": [
"Driver": [],
"Estimated_Cost_Per_Incident": 0,
"Excluded_From_Last_Assessment": [
"Executed_Avg_No_of_Inherent_Occurrences": 0,
"Executed_Avg_No_of_Residual_Occurrences": 0,
"Executed_Calculation_Method": [],
"Executed_Impact_Distribution_Function": [],
"Executed_Inherent_Probability": 0,
"Executed_Maximum_Inherent_Impact": 0,
"Executed_Maximum_Residual_Impact": 0,
"Executed_Mean_Impact__Inherent": 0,
"Executed_Mean_Impact__Residual": 0,
"Executed_Minimum_Inherent_Impact": 0,
"Executed_Minimum_Residual_Impact": 0,
"Executed_Most_Likely_Inherent_Impact": 0,
"Executed_Most_Likely_Residual_Impact": 0,
"Executed_Residual_Probability": 0,
"Executed_Single_or_Multiple_Occurrence": [],
"Executed_Standard_Deviation__Inherent": 0,
"Executed_Standard_Deviation__Residual": 0,
"Expected_Response_Date": null,
"Facilities_Risks": [],
"Findings": [],
"First_Published": "2023-06-22T06:24:01.913Z",
"Frequency_of_Occurence": [],
"Frequency_of_Occurence_With_Controls": [],
"GL_Accounts_Risks_Related_to_Controls": [],
"GL_Accounts_Unmitigated_Risks": [],
"HH": 0,
"Historical_Residual_Expected_Loss": 0,
"Historical_Residual_VaR_95": 0,
"Historical_Residual_VaR_99": 0,
"HL": 0,
"HM": 0,
"HMH": 0,
"HML": 0,
"Impact": [
"Not Rated"
"Impact_Distribution_Function": [],
"Impact_Number": 0,
"Incident": [],
"Incident_Investigations": [],
"Inherent_Expected_Loss": 0,
"Inherent_Expected_Loss_Helper": "=RiskMean(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(308630,A1:A900000,0),MATCH(\"Inherent Loss Function\",A1:AZ1,0))))",
"Inherent_Frequency_Helper": "RiskPoisson(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(308630,A1:A900000,0),MATCH(\"Avg No. of Inherent Occurrences\",A1:AZ1,0))))",
"Inherent_Frequency_of_Occurence": [],
"Inherent_Impact_Direction": [],
"Inherent_Impact_Helper": null,
"Inherent_Impact_Justification": null,
"Inherent_Likelihood_Direction": [],
"Inherent_Likelihood_Justification": null,
"Inherent_Loss_Function": "=RiskCompound(RiskPoisson(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(308630,A1:A900000,0),MATCH(\"Avg No. of Inherent Occurrences\",A1:AZ1,0)))),)",
"Inherent_Probability": 0,
"Inherent_Risk": [
"Not Rated"
"Inherent_Risk__Monte_Carlo": [
"Not Rated"
"Inherent_Risk__Regular": [
"Not Rated"
"Inherent_Risk_QT": [],
"Inherent_Risk_Qual": [
"Not Rated"
"Inherent_VaR_95": 0,
"Inherent_VaR_99": 0,
"Inherent_VaR95_Helper": "=RiskPercentile(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(308630,A1:A900000,0),MATCH(\"Inherent Loss Function\",A1:AZ1,0))),0.95)",
"Inherent_VaR99_Helper": "=RiskPercentile(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(308630,A1:A900000,0),MATCH(\"Inherent Loss Function\",A1:AZ1,0))),0.99)",
"Inherited_BU_Manager": [],
"Inherited_CEO_Permissions": [],
"Inherited_CFO_Permissions": [],
"Inherited_Controller_Permissions": [
"Administrator, System"
"Inherited_Loss_Event_Business_Unit_Coord": [],
"Inherited_Loss_Event_Business_Unit_Manag": [],
"Inherited_Loss_Event_Executives": [],
"Inherited_Loss_Event_Risk_Manager": [],
"Inherited_Loss_Event_Risk_Manager_Specia": [],
"Inherited_Metric_Owner": [],
"Inherited_RP": [
"EM: Admin",
"EM: Read Only",
"CM: Admin",
"CM: Read Only",
"CM: Owner",
"CM: Manager",
"CM: Tester",
"FCM: Project Management Office (PMO)",
"FCM: Process and Control Owner"
"Insurance_Copy_of_Excluded_Risks": [],
"Insurance_Excluded_Risks": [],
"Insurance_Risk_Transfer": [],
"Intermediate_Risk": [],
"Is_this_record_ready_for_simulation": [
"Key_Risk_Indicators": [],
"KRI_Scorecard": "<font>\n<table cellpadding=\"20\" cellspacing=\"10\">\n<tbody><tr>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Status </b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Pass</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Fail</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Open</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Not Calculated</b></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Current Status </b></td>\n<td bgcolor=\"#00ff00\" align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n<td bgcolor=\"#ff0000\" align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Threshold Status </b></td>\n<td bgcolor=\"#00ff00\" align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n<td bgcolor=\"#ff0000\" align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Trend Status </b></td>\n<td bgcolor=\"#00ff00\" align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n<td bgcolor=\"#ff0000\" align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n</tr>\n</tbody></table>\n\n<table cellpadding=\"20\" cellspacing=\"10\">\n<tbody><tr>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> </b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> In Band</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Above Band</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Below Band</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Open</b></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> Banding Status </b></td>\n<td bgcolor=\"#00ff00\" align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n<td bgcolor=\"#ff0000\" align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n<td bgcolor=\"#ff0000\" align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n<td align=\"center\"><b> 0</b></td>\n</tr>\n</tbody></table>\n</font>",
"Last_Analysis_Timestamp": null,
"Last_Approval_Date": null,
"Last_Audited_Date": null,
"Last_Risk_Approval_Result": [],
"Last_SelfAssessment_Date": null,
"Last_Updated": "2023-08-10T07:30:42.637Z",
"LH": 0,
"Likelihood": [
"Not Rated"
"Likelihood_Number": 0,
"LL": 0,
"LM": 0,
"LMH": 0,
"LML": 0,
"Loss_Exposure_10th": null,
"Loss_Exposure_90th": null,
"Loss_Exposure_90th_Numeric": null,
"Loss_Exposure_Average": null,
"Loss_Exposure_Maximum": null,
"Loss_Exposure_Minimum": null,
"Loss_Exposure_Most_Likely": null,
"Maximum_Inherent_Impact": 0,
"Maximum_Residual_Impact": 0,
"MC_Risk_ID": "308630",
"Mean_Impact__Inherent": 0,
"Mean_Impact__Residual": 0,
"Metrics_Library": [],
"MH": 0,
"MHH": 0,
"MHL": 0,
"MHM": 0,
"MHMH": 0,
"MHML": 0,
"Minimum_Inherent_Impact": 0,
"Minimum_Residual_Impact": 0,
"Mitigating_Control_Proc": [
"ML": 0,
"MLH": 0,
"MLL": 0,
"MLM": 0,
"MLMH": 0,
"MLML": 0,
"MM": 0,
"MMH": 0,
"MML": 0,
"Most_Likely_Inherent_Impact": 0,
"Most_Likely_Residual_Impact": 0,
"Multiple_BUs_Selected": [
"Not_Audited_in_Last_12_Months": [],
"Number_of_Open_Findings": 0,
"Occurrence": [],
"Open_TasksActivities": [],
"Operational_Impact_Helper": 0,
"Operational_Risk_1": [
"Not Rated"
"Operational_Risk_Impact_Text": "The Actual Annualized Loss Amount represents the net total of loss events related to this risk that have occurred in the previous 365 days. This amount is compared to Annual Loss Expectancy and, if the Actual Annualized Loss Amount exceeds the Annual Loss Expectancy, then the Residual Risk Impact rating will be increased one level to arrive at the Calculated Risk Impact rating. Otherwise the Calculated Risk Impact rating will adopt the Residual Risk Impact rating. If an Annual Loss Expectancy has not been established, then the Calculated Risk Impact has been set to the same value as the residual risk impact.",
"Operational_Risk_Likelihood_Factor": 0,
"Operational_Risk_Over_Just": null,
"Operational_Risk_Override": [],
"Operationl_Scenario_Analysis_Risk_Regist": [],
"PBC_Documentation_Requests_Risks": [],
"Percentage_of_Metrics": 0,
"Percentage_of_NonCompliant_Controls": 0,
"Previous_Calculated_Risk_Likelihood_Fact": 0,
"Previous_Residual_Risk__Qual": [
"Not Rated"
"Reason_Excluded_From_Last_Assessment": null,
"Regulatory_Intelligence_Review_Impacted_": [],
"Related_Loss_Event_Impacs": [],
"Related_Loss_Events": [],
"Related_Questions": [],
"Residual_Expected_Loss": 0,
"Residual_Expected_Loss_Helper": "=RiskMean(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(308630,A1:A900000,0),MATCH(\"Residual Loss Function\",A1:AZ1,0))))",
"Residual_Frequency_Helper": "RiskPoisson(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(308630,A1:A900000,0),MATCH(\"Avg No. of Residual Occurrences\",A1:AZ1,0))))",
"Residual_Impact_Direction": [],
"Residual_Impact_Helper": null,
"Residual_Likelihood_Direction": [],
"Residual_Likelihood_Justification": null,
"Residual_Loss_Function": "=RiskCompound(RiskPoisson(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(308630,A1:A900000,0),MATCH(\"Avg No. of Residual Occurrences\",A1:AZ1,0)))),)",
"Residual_Probability": 0,
"Residual_Risk": [
"Not Rated"
"Residual_Risk__Monte_Carlo": [
"Not Rated"
"Residual_Risk__QT": [],
"Residual_Risk__Regular": [
"Not Rated"
"Residual_Risk__RiskLens": [
"Not Rated"
"Residual_Risk_Helper": "0",
"Residual_Risk_Impact": [
"Not Rated"
"Residual_Risk_Impact_Text": "The Residual Risk Impact level represents the impact of the risk given the Risk Response. Select the level based on the nature of the controls and the expected impact to operations by the controls towards reducing the impact of the risk. The Inherent Risk Impact, before an Risk Response actions, was determined to be <b>Not Rated</b>.",
"Residual_Risk_Likelihood": [
"Not Rated"
"Residual_Risk_Likelihood_Text": "The Residual Risk Likelihood level represents the likelihood of the risk given the Risk Response. Select the level based on the nature of the controls and the expected impact to operations by the controls towards reducing the likelihood of the risk. The Inherent Risk Likelihood, before an Risk Response actions, was determined to be <b>Not Rated</b>.",
"Residual_VaR_95": 0,
"Residual_VaR_99": 0,
"Residual_VaR95_Helper": "=RiskPercentile(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(308630,A1:A900000,0),MATCH(\"Residual Loss Function\",A1:AZ1,0))),0.95)",
"Residual_VaR99_Helper": "=RiskPercentile(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(308630,A1:A900000,0),MATCH(\"Residual Loss Function\",A1:AZ1,0))),0.99)",
"Response_Description": null,
"Response_Status": [
"Not Started"
"Response_Type": [],
"Risk": "Risk Demo ",
"Risk_Approval_Amount": 0,
"Risk_Approval_Assessment_Target": [],
"Risk_Approver": "Risk Approval Amount is Missing",
"Risk_Event_Category": [],
"Risk_Factors_Used_To_Adjust_Qualitative": [
"Risk_Has_Associated_Business_Processes": [
"Risk_ID": 308630,
"Risk_Library": [],
"Risk_Manager": [],
"Risk_Manager_Specialist": [],
"Risk_Register_Details": [
"Risk_Scenario_Library": [],
"Risk_Scenarios": [],
"Risk_Staging__Risk_ID": [],
"Risk_Types": [],
"RiskLens_Integration_Error": null,
"RiskLens_Quantitative_Analysis": [],
"RiskLens_Syncup": [
"RSA_Archer_Content_ID": null,
"Scoping_Units_Risk_Register": [],
"Security_Incidents": [],
"Select_calculation_method_for_the_Residu": [
"Expert Elicitation"
"Source_Category": [],
"Source_Description": null,
"Source_Record_Date": null,
"Source_Version": null,
"Stakeholders": [],
"Standard_Deviation__Inherent": 0,
"Standard_Deviation__Residual": 0,
"Status": [
"Subscription_ID": null,
"Target_Findings": [],
"Today_Helper": "=TODAY()",
"Total_Cost_of_Controls": 0,
"Total_Loss_Amount": 0,
"Typical_Case_CompLit_Risk_Exposur": 0,
"Typical_Case_Credit_Risk_Exposure": 0,
"Typical_Case_Finance_Risk_Exposure": 0,
"Typical_Case_Financial_Exposure": 0,
"Typical_Case_Liquid_Risk_Exposure": 0,
"Typical_Case_Market_Risk_Exposure": 0,
"Typical_Case_Operations_Risk_Exposure": 0,
"Typical_Case_Reputation_Risk_Exposure": 0,
"Typical_Case_Strategic_Risk_Exposure": 0,
"Unapproved_SelfAssessment_Calc": [
"Volatility_of_Risk": [],
"Warning_Indicator": [
"Worst_Case_CompLit_Risk_Exposure": 0,
"Worst_Case_Credit_Risk_Exposur": 0,
"Worst_Case_Financial_Risk_Exposure": 0,
"Worst_Case_Liquidity_Risk_Exposure": 0,
"Worst_Case_Market_Risk_Exposure": 0,
"Worst_Case_Operational_Risk_Exposure": 0,
"Worst_Case_Reputational_Risk_Exposure": 0,
"Worst_Case_Strategic_Risk_Exposure": 0,
"Worst_Case_Total_Financial_Exposure": 0


 I can't access Archer Few pages related to knowledge base. Initially I was able to see all issues, solutions of issues related to Archer components. 

Now, it says access denied. Could you please help? 


I can't access Archer Few pages related to knowledge base and unable to access the link

It says access denied. Could you please help? 

Archer Employee
Archer Employee

Hi @vsharma21 , your account permissions have been upgraded and you should have now full access to the Community. 

Archer Employee
Archer Employee

Hi @satishgutha7 , your account permissions have been upgraded. Let me know if you need further assistance.