Article Number
Applies To
Product(s): ArcherVersion(s): All VersionsPrimary Deployment: On Premises/AWS Hosted/AWS SaaS
Some URLs cannot be embedded into an Embedded URL iView in Archer.
It is considered a good security practice, to block other sites from embedding your site into another web site, since this is often used to trick users into entering their sensitive information into the wrong website.
As such, any sites that are configured to block embedding cannot be embedded into an Archer Embedded URL iView.
If you are the owner of the site you are trying to embed, then:
- Edit the site that you want to embed into your iView on the web server that is hosting the site, and change the X-Frame-Options response header to allow the website to be embedded in another site.
- Add the URL of the site into an Archer Embedded URL iView.
If you are not the owner of the site: Contact the site owner to have them consider allowing their site to be embedded inside of another site.