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Collaborator III

Applies To

Product(s): Archer
Version(s): 6.x
Primary Deployment: On Premises/AWS Hosted/AWS SaaS


This article provides a guide for troubleshooting failed notifications. It will only apply directly to:
  • Subscription Notifications which are designed to trigger and send an email to recipients based on a Filter Criteria where an application's content record has been added or modified; whether Instantly or on a Schedule.
  • Archer user recipients.
The broadest definition of a Notification in Archer is: When some event happens, send an email to one or more recipients with information related to the event.
Check the Archer Help for more information about Notifications in Archer.

Notification Blueprint needs to be created, which is a specification of how it is intended for the notification to behave. The notification blueprint consists of:
  • Name
  • Description
  • Application
  • Content, which includes: Letterhead, Body Layout, Subject and Body
  • Delivery options, which includes: Email Properties, Delivery Schedule, Subscriptions and Email Recipients
  • Filter Criteria


Below are the criteria for a Subscription Notification to be triggered successfully:
1. The notification trigger occurs. In this case that trigger is the Content Save and that the Delivery Schedule and Filter Criteria are met (except for Reminder notifications which do not require a content save).
Archer then ensures that the application has the Enable Notifications option enabled, the notification is active, and the record content meets the notification's Filter Criteria.
3. Once all of the above conditions are satisfied, a SendNotification job is created. Therefore, if the SendNotification job was not created, then the issue is most likely in one of the above mentioned conditions.
4. The SendNotification job is then run by the Job Engine and checks the following:
i. For all Archer user recipients (including users specified in groups), it checks that the user:
  • Is Active and has a valid Email Address.
  • (Or the user's group) is assigned an Access Role that has at least the Read access to the application's content.
  • Is subscribed to the notification. This can be checked from either the Notification Subscriptions report and/or the user's Email Subscription page (user must be logged in).
ii. If there are Archer user recipients that meet the above conditions, then the following is checked for each user:
  • The user's permission to read the content associated with the notification, this is limited by Record Permissions fields. If there are any Record Permissions fields in the application, the user (or the user's group) must be selected in any of these fields for that specific record; otherwise, the user will not receive the notification.
  • The user's (or the user's group's) access to any Private field that is set to be displayed in the notification's content. If there is a private field that the user does not have access to, this will only limit the visibility of this field (not the entire record).
  • For any display field in the notification blueprint that references a different record (e.g., Cross Reference field), the following is checked:
    • In case this field references a different application, it checks that the user is assigned an Access Role that has at least Read access to the other application's content (this will only limit the visibility of the field that references the other application).
    • Whether the field references a different application or the same application, the following is checked:
      • The user's permission to read the specific referenced content which is limited by Record Permissions fields (this will limit the visibility of the referenced record(s) within the parent record).
      • The user's access to any Private field in the referenced content/application (this will limit the visibility of the private field within the referenced records).
iii. Following this, it bundles all Archer user recipients with the same content access, field access, locale, and time zone.
iv. For each bundle of recipients receiving the same information, it renders the email subject and body then creates a SendMessages job for each bundle. Therefore, the SendNotification job is complete.
v. The SendMessages job then starts where it takes the rendered Subject and Body, and the recipients for that bundle and creates emails for each recipient using the Email Addresses in their User Profiles. Then emails each using the server specified in the Instance Notification Settings in the Archer Control Panel.
vi. When all the SendMessages jobs associated with the SendNotification job are complete, the notification is published successfully.

To troubleshoot a failed Subscription Notification, follow the below steps:

1. Check if the application has the Enable Notifications option enabled.
2. Then ensure the notification is Active.
3. Check if the notification triggers are met where the notification's Filter Criteria and Delivery Schedule are met and there is a content save (except for Reminder notifications which do not require a content save).
Note: This may be tricky if the record content has been changed in the time in between which could be misleading. Also, if the Filter Criteria depends on Date and/or Time then this may cause confusion on when the notification is expected to publish.
4. If all of the above is met, check if a SendNotification job was created. This requires access to the ACP > Plugins menu Job Engine Manager > Jobs tab > Select All Jobs under both Job Queue and Job Instrumentation > Search for a SendNotification job with the Enqueued Date close to when the content was updated (Time in the Job Engine Manager is in UTC).
5. If some of the recipients did receive the notification, then the SendNotification job is completed.
6. If a SendNotification job was generated and/or completed, check if the user is Active and has a valid Email Address in their Manage User page.
7. Then investigate the user's access to the record, this can be done either by:

  • Running the Access Control Rights by User report.
  • Having the user login to Archer and checking the content and fields that they are able to view.
  • Logging in as an Administrator and checking the access of the user using the Access button in the record (Open the record > Click on the three buttons at the top right > Click on Access > Choose the affected user and click on Check > For more information, click on Details).
8. Then check if the recipient is subscribed to the notification by running the Notification Subscriptions report.
9. If all of the above conditions are met and the notification is still not received then the SendMessages job is not able to send the email. The below points may be of help in further troubleshooting this:
  • The Job Engine is not started and/or not properly configured for SendMessages jobs (e.g., there is a Filter configured that prevents the job from running).
  • The Instance Notification settings in the ACP are invalid.
  • If only some recipients are receiving the notification, review the contact information in the Manage Users page for the affected users.
10. How to use Notification Reports for further troubleshooting:
  • Notifications Sent > If the notification is in this report but is still not received, then both SendNotification and SendMessages jobs are completed and the issue lies outside Archer. It could be the customer email is actively blocking the message, or with their SMTP server, etc. (Customer's Internal IT team will need to investigate).
  • Notifications Failed Email Attempts and Notification Engine Recent Activity - last 24 hours > If notification is in this report then the SendNotification job is completed but SendMessages job has failed. Accordingly, logs can be investigated for failed SendMessages jobs (refer to the above point for other causes).
If notifications do not appear in any of the above reports, then the SendNotification job has failed and no SendMessages job is created.

Version history
Last update:
‎2024-09-26 08:32 AM
Updated by: