A possible cause is that the
From Address in the notifications is not set to any of the below domains (depending on the customer's region):
- noreply@archerirm.us for US SaaS/Hosted environments
- noreply@archerirm.eu for EMEA SaaS/Hosted environments
- noreply@archerirm.com.au for APJ SaaS environments
- noreply@archerirm.net for CAN SaaS environments
- noreply@archerirm.in for IN SaaS environments
- noreply@archerirm.ae for UAE SaaS environments
In addition to the above, the customer's email system is not monitoring the correct SPF record or needs to whitelist SaaS mail relays.
The SaaS Operations Team recommends that customers set the
From Address to:
- noreply@archerirm.us for US SaaS/Hosted environments
- noreply@archerirm.eu for EMEA SaaS/Hosted environments
- noreply@archerirm.com.au for APJ SaaS environments
- noreply@archerirm.net for CAN SaaS environments
- noreply@archerirm.in for IN SaaS environments
- noreply@archerirm.ae for UAE SaaS environments
On the other hand, if customers intend to set the
From Address to a different address other than the above, they can request their Email Team to include the Archer domain (any of the above mentioned Archer domains
, depending on their environment) in their DNS SPF record.
The included Archer domain will always contain the up-to-date IPs of the mail servers that Archer will send emails from. Consequently, the customer is allowing emails to be received from any IPs that are under this domain. These IPs may change in the future; however, customers will not need to apply any changes as long as they have added the correct domain in their SPF records.
Below is an example of the
SPF record of the
archerirm.us domain using the following command:
set type=txt
0EMVM000001jBpx.pngNote: DKIM is now enabled and supported in Archer for any emails sent from the new Archer domains below:
- noreply@archerirm.us for US SaaS/Hosted environments
- noreply@archerirm.eu for EMEA SaaS/Hosted environments
- noreply@archerirm.com.au for APJ SaaS environments
- noreply@archerirm.net for CAN SaaS environments
- noreply@archerirm.in for IN SaaS environments
- noreply@archerirm.ae for UAE SaaS environments
However, DKIM is only supported if the above Archer domains are used as the From Address. If customers use a different domain for the From Address, then DKIM will not be enabled/supported for any emails sent from that domain.