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Applies To

Product(s): Archer
Version(s): All Versions
Primary Deployment: On Premises/AWS Hosted/AWS SaaS


No target records are available for selection when adding a new record for a Questionnaire (as shown below):

Also, if you package the Questionnaire and its target Application and try to install the package in another environment, the package installation fails with the below message:
Package installation failed. Target level for Questionnaire <module_id>  was not found.


This could occur if the Level that was originally targeted by the Questionnaire has been deleted.


Execute the below scripts (in order) against the Instance Database:
1. Find the Questionnaire's current Target Application and Target Level by running the following script:

     mt1.module_name as Questionnaire
,    mt1.module_id as 'Questionnaire Mod ID'
,    mt2.module_name as Target_Module
,    mt2.module_id as Target_Mod_ID
,    lt.level_name as Target_Level
,    m1.target_level_id as Target_Level_ID
FROM tblmodule m1
JOIN tblModuleTranslation mt1 on mt1.module_id = m1.module_id
JOIN tblLevelTranslation lt on lt.level_id = m1.target_level_id
JOIN tblLevelTranslation lt2 on lt2.level_id = m1.target_level_id
JOIN tbllevel l2 on l2.level_id = m1.target_level_id
JOIN tblmodule m2 on m2.module_id = l2.module_id
JOIN tblModuleTranslation mt2 on mt2.module_id = m2.module_id
WHERE m1.module_type_id = '7'
AND mt1.language_id=1
AND lt.language_id=1
AND lt2.language_id=1

2. List the Levels for the Target Application:

,    m.module_id
,    lt.level_name
,    l.level_id
FROM tblModule m
JOIN tblModuleTranslation mt on mt.module_id=m.module_id
JOIN tblLevel l on l.module_id = m.module_id
JOIN tblLevelTranslation lt on lt.level_id=l.level_id
WHERE mt.module_name = 'Policies'  --> INSERT EXACT MODULE NAME
AND mt.is_default='1' 

3. Determine which Level you want the Questionnaire to target. Then, change the target level for the Questionnaire:
Kindly note that the below script modifies the database. Therefore, necessary measures such as, but not limited to, taking a database backup and testing the script in a non-prod environment first should be done before executing any SQL queries and/or applying any changes in the Database.

UPDATE tblmodule
SET target_level_id = 'nnn'      --> INPUT NEW TARGET LEVEL ID
WHERE module_id = 'nnn'          --> INPUT QUESTIONNAIRE MODULE ID


For SaaS & Hosted environments, a support ticket needs to be opened with the queries in this KB to get it executed against the Instance Database.

Version history
Last update:
‎2024-09-21 06:25 AM
Updated by: