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Archer Employee
Archer Employee

Article Number


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Product(s): Archer
Version(s): All Versions
Primary Deployment: On Premises/AWS Hosted/AWS SaaS


This article explains how to clear/modify all Email Addresses for a particular LDAP Group using SQL scripts to prevent Emails from being sent.


Check the below SQL scripts:
Kindly note that necessary measures such as, but not limited to, taking a database backup and testing the script in a non-prod environment first should be done before executing any SQL queries and/or applying any changes in the Database.

1. The below script updates the Email Addresses of users (coming through a certain LDAP configuration) to a certain value; in the below script/case, it changes the Email Addresses to ''.
Make sure to edit the email and ldap_config_id values in the below script for each specific use case.

Note: You can find the ldap_config_id value for each LDAP configuration in the Manage LDAP Configurations page as follows:

UPDATE tblXUsersContactTypes SET xuserconttype_value = ''
dbo.tbluser AS u
JOIN dbo.tblXUsersContactTypes AS e ON u.user_id = e.user_id
WHERE e.cont_type_id=7 and u.ldap_config_id=1

2. The below script updates the Email Address for users which are part of a certain Group (specified in group_name) where it changes the @ to @_ 

UPDATE tblXUsersContactTypes SET xuserconttype_value = replace(xuserconttype_value,'@','@_')
FROM  tblXUsersContactTypes e
JOIN dbo.tbluser AS u
JOIN tblLDAPConfig L on U.ldap_config_id=L.config_id
JOIN tblXGroupsUsers GU on GU.user_id=U.user_id 
JOIN tblGroup G on G.group_id=GU.group_id 
ON e.user_id = u.user_id 
WHERE group_name = 'Archer Support Team' and e.cont_type_id=7


Version history
Last update:
‎2024-09-21 07:26 AM
Updated by: