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When modules are retired without inactivating the Campaign inside of the related Questionnaire, then the Campaign will still continue to execute but will never process any data due to the status of the module(s).
Prior to retiring a Questionnaire, the following is recommended:
For more information, please see the Archer Help topic Changing the Questionnaire Status.
Follow the steps below:
--Find Active Campaigns tied to Retired/Archived questionnaires that target Development/Production applications. select mt.module_name as Questionnaire, mt.module_id as 'Questionnaire module_id', c.campaign_name, c.campaign_id, mt2.module_name as 'Target', mt2.module_id as 'Target module_id' from tblCampaign c with(nolock) JOIN tblModuleTranslation mt with(nolock) on mt.module_id = c.module_id and mt.is_default= 1 JOIN tblModule m with(nolock) on m.module_id = mt.module_id JOIN tblLevel l with(nolock) on l.level_id = m.target_level_id JOIN tblModuleTranslation mt2 with(nolock) on mt2.module_id = l.module_id and mt2.is_default = 1 JOIN tblModule m2 with(nolock) on m2.module_id = mt2.module_id where c.campaign_type_id = '2' and c.is_active = '1' and m.status_id in ('2','3') and m2.status_id in ('0','1')