Applies To
Product(s): ArcherVersion(s): All VersionsPrimary Deployment: On Premises
This article explains how to setup SAML 2.0 using Okta as the Identity Provider.
Instructions needed for setting up SAML 2.0 using Okta as the Identity Provider.
- An On-Prem Archer Installation.
- Okta set up.
How To Perform Setup:
Okta Configuration:
- Login to your Okta account
- The Home Page will open.
- Navigate to Admin > Dashboard
- From the Shortcuts menu, click on Add Applications. The Add Applications window is opened.
- Click on Create New App. The Create a New Application Integration dialog is displayed. In the Sign on method field select SAML 2.0 and click Create.
- The Create SAML Integration window is displayed and opens at the General Settings tab. In the App Name field, enter a name and click Next.
The Configure SAML tab is displayed.
a. Enter the Archer SAML URL into the Single sign on URL field. eg: Base URL/Saml.aspx
b. Enter an Identifier name into the Audience URI (SP Entity ID) field.
c. Under Attribute Statement, add below attributes:
i. Name - FirstName
Value - user.firstName
ii. Name - LastName
Value - user.lastName
8. Click on Next. The Feedback tab is displayed.
a. Select 'I'm an Okta customer adding an internal app' under Are you a customer or partner?
b. Select 'This is an internal app that we have created' under App type.
9. Click on Finish.
10. Navigate to Directory > People and click on Add Person. Add Person dialog box is displayed.
11. Enter First Name, Last Name, Username and select Set by admin under Password and set some password. Then, click on Save.
12. Navigate to Applications. Select the application created above and click on Assignments tab.
13. Click on Assign then Assign to People. Click on Assign next to the user and click on Done
14. Under the application created above, click on Sign On tab.
15. Under Settings > Sign On Methods, click on View Setup Instructions. The How to Configure SAML 2.0 for <Application name created above> Application page is opened.
16. Under Optional section, IDP Metadata is shown. Copy this and save the contents as an XML file.
17. Copy this metadata file to the Archer environment.
Archer Configuration:
1. In
Archer Control Panel, open the instance for which SSO has to be configured.
2. In the
Single Sign-On tab, select SAML for
Single Sign-On Mode.
3. In
Instance Entity ID, enter the value provided in the
Audience URI (SP Entity ID) field of the SAML configuration in Okta.
4. In the Archer environment, search for
Manage Computer Certificates. cerlm window is opened. In that window navigate to
Personal >
Certificates > Double click on
Archer Configuration certificate. The certificate window is opened. Click on
Details tab in that window. Scroll for
Thumbprint and copy that value into the
Archer Control Panel to the Certificate Thumbprint field.
5. Under Identity Providers, enter some name for Realm and Display Name. For IDP Metadata select the Metadata file copied from Okta to Archer environment.
6. Select Enable User Provisioning and Enable User Update.
7. Enter some value for Default First Name, Default Last Name and Default User Role.
8. Click on + next to the Identity Provider and then Save All the ACP changes.
For Group Update ACP Config:
1. Create group in Okta - Navigate to Directory > Group and click on Add Group. Provide group name(Ex: ArcherGroup) and description then click on Add Group.
2. Assign group to user - Click on created group (ArcherGroup) > Manage People > select user and click on Save.
3. Mapping Group -
a. Navigate to Applications > select your Application(Archer)
b. Under General tab edit SAML settings and click on Next
c. Under Group Attribute Statements, add below attributes:
i. Name - Group
Name Format - Unspecified
Filter - Contains: Group
d. Click on Next > Finish.