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Archer Employee
Archer Employee

Article Number


Applies To

Product(s): Archer, SecOps
Version(s): All Versions
Primary Deployment: On Premises/AWS Hosted/AWS SaaS


Cannot package findings since the SecOps package was installed, as shown in the error below.
<E2ETraceEvent xmlns="">
                <TraceRecord Severity="Error" xmlns="">
                    <Description>Unable to open a Repository File for this Module, either because it doesn't exist, or it is locked by another process. Please make sure this file exists in your configured Repository Files directory, or remove and re-add the Attachment for this Module.</Description>
                        <ExceptionType>System.InvalidOperationException, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</ExceptionType>
                        <Message>Unable to open a Repository File for this Module, either because it doesn't exist, or it is locked by another process. Please make sure this file exists in your configured Repository Files directory, or remove and re-add the Attachment for this Module.</Message>
                        <StackTrace>   at ArcherTech.Kernal.Brokers.Packaging.Generate.Actions.Generation.GeneratePackage.ThrowModuleRepositoryFileException(SessionContext sessionContext, Guid moduleGuid, RepositoryFile file, Exception innerException)
   at ArcherTech.Kernal.Brokers.Packaging.Generate.Actions.Generation.GeneratePackage.&lt;AddRepositoryFiles&gt;b__238(GenerateContext context, ExecuteActions`1 ignored)</StackTrace>


This issue occurs when document attachments were not placed in the File Repository upon package install.

Note from log:
<Module>Security Incidents</Module>
<Module>Data Breaches</Module>
<Module>Incident Investigations</Module>


  • Deleting these document attachments allowed the application to be packaged. 
  • File Repository was mapped, not a UNC path, causing the files to not be placed in File Repository.

Version history
Last update:
‎2024-09-21 07:08 AM
Updated by: