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Custom Object to Exclude weekend date picker

Contributor II

Hi All,

We have one requirement where customer want to restrict/Disable the weekend dates within date field. Is there any custom object to fulfil the above requirement.


NT Admin


This doesn't actually disable the dates on the date picker itself, but if you choose a weekend on the picker it will erase the selection and pop up a warning message. Based it off another custom object we use for validating date being greater/less than each other. (Comparing fields to each other - Archer Community - 481513 (

Just update the field IDs in the dateFields variable with your field IDs, can add as many as you want.

<script type="text/javascript"> 
// Array of date field IDs
var dateFields = [31763, 33171];

// Attach change event handlers to date fields after the application loads
Sys.Application.add_load(function() {    
    dateFields.forEach(function(fieldId) {
        // Attach change event to each date field
        $('div[id*="f' + fieldId + 'cdp"]').change(function() {
            checkWeekend(fieldId); // Check if the selected date is a weekend

// Function to check if the selected date is a weekend
function checkWeekend(fieldId) {
    // Get the date value from the input field
    var dateVal = $('div[id*="f' + fieldId + 'cdp"]' + ' > input:nth-child(1)').val();
    var dateObj = convertToDate(dateVal); // Convert the date string to a Date object

    if (dateObj != null && !isNaN(dateObj.getTime())) {
        var day = dateObj.getDay(); // Get the day of the week
        if (day === 2 || day === 3) { // 2 = Saturday, 3 = Sunday
            var msg = "The date cannot be on a weekend.";
            var title = 'Warning';
            WarningAlert(msg, title); // Show a warning alert
            nullThisID(fieldId); // Clear the date field

// Function to clear the value of the date field
function nullThisID(fieldId) {
    $('div[id*="f' + fieldId + 'cdp"]' + ' > input:nth-child(1)').val('');

// Function to convert a date string to a Date object
function convertToDate(aDate) {
    var dataSplit = aDate.split("/");
    var returnDate = null;
    if (dataSplit.length == 3) {
        returnDate = new Date(dataSplit[2],dataSplit[1],dataSplit[0]);
    return returnDate;


Thank you, Jordan, for your response. I just tested this Script, it is not working for saturdays. 

I did tweak the code a bit, it is working now. here is the updated code. Thank you!

<script type="text/javascript">
// Array of date field IDs
var dateFields = [48584];

// Attach change event handlers to date fields after the application loads
Sys.Application.add_load(function() {
dateFields.forEach(function(fieldId) {
// Attach change event to each date field
$('div[id*="f' + fieldId + 'cdp"]').change(function() {
checkWeekend(fieldId); // Check if the selected date is a weekend

// Function to check if the selected date is a weekend
function checkWeekend(fieldId) {
// Get the date value from the input field
var dateVal = $('div[id*="f' + fieldId + 'cdp"]' + ' > input:nth-child(1)').val();
var dateObj = convertToDate(dateVal); // Convert the date string to a Date object
if (dateObj != null && !isNaN(dateObj.getTime())) {
var day = dateObj.getDay(); // Get the day of the week
if (day === 0|| day === 6) { // 6= Saturday, 0= Sunday
var msg = "The date cannot be on a weekend.";
var title = 'Warning';
WarningAlert(msg, title); // Show a warning alert
nullThisID(fieldId); // Clear the date field

// Function to clear the value of the date field
function nullThisID(fieldId) {
$('div[id*="f' + fieldId + 'cdp"]' + ' > input:nth-child(1)').val('');

// Function to convert a date string to a Date object
function convertToDate(aDate) {
var dataSplit = aDate.split("/");
var returnDate = null;
if (dataSplit.length == 3) {
returnDate = new Date(dataSplit[2],dataSplit[0]-1,dataSplit[1]);
return returnDate;

Glad to hear you managed to fix it up. I was surprised for my environment that 2 was a saturday and 3 was a sunday, instead of 6 and 0. Unsure why it's different for my environment compared to yours, but as long as it works!