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Recalculate field

Collaborator II

I currently have a calculation that looks to many other field values only during certain statuses.  For most of the other times, it just defaults to its own value.  Calc is 'As Needed'.

I have a request now to introduce a way to recalculate this field in other statuses on demand.  I thought about a custom obj to set a flag field & then resave and changing calc to also look at this flag field but then i need a good way to clear it after it recalcs.




Is there a reason users can't just use the inbuilt manual recalculate for a record through the ellipse menu, rather than interacting with a button on the record?

If they really want a button on the record, you could probably make a custom object which is visible when record is in view and when clicked will just 'press' the recalculate button.