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RSA Archer SaaS was made available on November 1, 2019. We had many SaaS conversations with customers leading up to RSA Conference in February. Since RSA Conference, we’ve had a groundswell of interest and activity!


Our objective for RSA Archer SaaS has been a continual evolution and optimization of the offering, as we also continue to build an effective and efficient DevOps support and deployment model. So, what have we been up to?

Now Available in Asia-Pacific

We’ve opened our first expansion region, located in Sydney, Australia, to service the needs of our customers in this part of the world. Mirroring the U.S. region, it has all the same available features, supports on-demand applications and all use existing cases. We also have plans to expand RSA Archer SaaS to additional regions, so stay tuned! Availability of RSA Archer SaaS in Asia-Pacific Region


Upgrade to RSA Archer Release 6.8

In addition to working on projects under-the-hood surrounding automation and architecture, we just upgraded the U.S. SaaS offering to the latest and greatest RSA Archer Release 6.8. It’s chock full of enhancements, including user experience improvements, advancements in searching and reporting, Admin-focused features, as well as updates to several use case. Availability of RSA Archer Release 6.8


Admin Dashboard

In the 6.8 release, a number of efficiencies were made to the processes that populate the Admin Dashboard content. Because of these changes, the Admin Dashboard is now available in SaaS. This feature is extensible and permissioned, runs daily, and provides insight into the health of your instance right at your fingertips. Admin Dashboard FAQs


Upgrade to SQL 2017

In conjunction with the RSA Archer platform upgrade, we’ve also upgraded to SQL Server 2017. Why not SQL 2019, as it was just released in November? First, let’s make sure we are not confusing terminology. RSA Archer has qualified and supports SQL 2019 for on-premises customers in the 6.8 release. For RSA Archer SaaS, we’ve reviewed and tested SQL 2019 as a potential option. In balancing our goal to be as current as possible, while factoring in the business value and potential risks, we felt that SQL 2019 wasn’t the best option at this time. We continue to perform reviews of our technical components and evolve as we feel it’s most appropriate.

Your next question is probably, How does this impact me? For existing SaaS customers and on-premises customers planning to migrate to SaaS, there are no impacts visible impacts. If, however, you are using SQL 2017, this would have been an obstacle for you during migration. Customers using SQL 2017, or an earlier version, can now migrate without this concern. That said, I do expect customers to start adopting SQL 2019 and I do expect those customers will want to migrate to RSA Archer SaaS.  As I mentioned, we are in constant review and will manage future changes to accommodate this evolving practice.


What’s next?

Join us on our monthly RSA Archer Product Roadmap calls to find out what exciting developments we have planned for RSA Archer.