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Archer Employee
Archer Employee

Organizations are needing to consume more data than ever to fully understand the risk posture of their risk management programs. Data points such as sensors, scanners, threat management systems, ticketing systems and many others are required to understand the risk posture. All these data points are flying in at rapid speeds and needing to be addressed at those rapid speeds. This is where RSA Archer's Data Gateway provides a critical capability for organizations trying to catch up to all the data. Data Gateway provides truly real-time access to data in an external system and allows organizations to understand their complete risk posture from RSA Archer.


Data Gateway is an existing RSA Archer integration technology that is now being rolled out in much more accessible way. RSA Archer 6.7’s Data Gateway REST API suite brought you general availability of Data Gateway and provided us the building blocks for the future.




RSA Archer 6.8 brings you the DATA GATEWAY USER INTERFACE! The Data Gateway user interface gives you the configuration pages that we all know and love. The new pages make Data Gateway much easier to configure and service. The new interface will become your one stop shop for adding new connections to external systems and mapping fields.

Adding connections



Mapping fields



I hope you’ll join us for THIS Friday’s Free Friday Tech Huddle to hear all about the DATA GATEWAY USER INTERFACE!


Want to learn more?

Check out these past Data Gateway FFTH sessions!

  • 1/10/2020 – Data Gateway Overview
  • 1/17/2020 – Data Gateway REST API & Flexible SQL Connector
  • 1/24/20 – How to code a Data Gateway Connector
  • 4/10/2020 -- Customer Success: Using RSA Archer’s Data Gateway for real-time visibility into the ServiceNow IT ticketing system