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Archer Employee
Archer Employee

The RSA Archer User Experience (UX) team has been very busy over the last few months, listening to customer feedback 6.x user interface the and working to incorporate that feedback into our design plans. During our last UX Working Group meeting, we outlined the UX priorities which resulted in positive feedback and validated that we were moving in the right direction.


Based on our most recent Voice of the Customer survey, customer feedback on the challenges in using RSA Archer falls into the following three categories:


  1. extra time/clicks getting to my target page
  2. Navigational challenges
  3. Lack of customization 


With RSA Archer Release 6.3, we’ve continued our efforts to optimize the User Experience.


First, we are working to address the “extra time/clicks” and “navigation” feedback. In RSA Archer, users spend the bulk of their time on Record pages. We’ve heard customers comment on this issue: “In 5.x, we had Save and Apply buttons that gave us the flexibility to save the record and stay on the page, or save the record and close it automatically. However, in 6.x, we only have a single button – Save -- which saves the record and keeps the user on the page. To move away from the record, the mouse needs to be moved over to the Close button.” 


You spoke. We listened and delivered. In Release 6.3, we introduced the “Save and Close” button on the Record page (and in Manage Packaging). We plan to implement the “Save and Close” button ubiquitously across RSA Archer in future releases. 


Second, we’re addressing color customization within RSA Archer. In 5.x, the Admin had 200+ levers to pull to change the appearance of the User Interface from the background color of tabs to the shape of the buttons. In 6.x, we swung the pendulum in the opposite direction and tried to make customization easier by providing only a primary and secondary color option. 


Again, you spoke and we listened and delivered. In Release 6.3, we’ve  added some color customizations. One of the biggest issues customers had was difficulty seeing content on the screen, particularly on a Record page. In  Release 6.3, Admins can place a customized color border around the controls to make them easier to see. Release 6.3 also provides customization in the following areas: 


  • Background color of the Main Navigation menu 
  • Background color of the Footer, 
  • Change the color of the section text header, 
  • Change the background of the Administration Menu.


Finally, we heard our customers talk about challenges with the layout on the Record and Questionnaire pages in 6.x. In 5.x, the field name and field name controls were both left aligned, which made everything line up consistently. In 6.x, field names were moved to be right aligned, but the field name controls continued to be left aligned. Release 6.3 adds an option for “Field Name Alignment” under the Appearance Menu, providing 5.x or 6.x layout options.


The RSA Archer UX team will continue to listen and improves the user experience. We appreciate customer feedback and encourage our customers to join the User Experience (UX) Working Group meetings. 


RSA Archer Release 6.3 includes new use cases for Regulatory & Corporate Compliance Management, updates to existing Business Resiliency use cases and Public Sector Solutions use cases, and enhancements for usability and stability of the RSA Archer Platform. RSA Archer’s two newest use cases, RSA Archer Data Governance and RSA Archer Privacy Program Management, are designed to help support customer processes for data protection and addressing applicable privacy directives, such as GDPR. Updates to RSA Archer Business Resiliency use cases are designed to help improve organizations’ ability to manage disruptions and crises. Enhancements to the RSA Archer Platform include a system administration dashboard, bulk record operations, and direct to edit capabilities.



Coming from a long-term 5.5 user with a pending 6.3 upgrade, I'm pleased to see the focus on re-introducing the customization options we had in the earlier version. While I appreciate the small steps taken thus far, I'm hoping to see support for custom stylesheets and javascript calls - is this anywhere on the radar UAUT6YeCpXI7oJr5GXBQ1TPDmbBPrgXAO30pRQLq2uk=‌?

Archer Employee
Archer Employee



Yes, it is part of our plan to offer more flexibility. Obviously, I cannot get into specific dates or releases but both Per and I are on the same page as you. I'm curious - if you had to get 1 more customization into Archer, what would it be? 





Archer Employee
Archer Employee

Ryan - I also suggest that you join our Working Group meetings (via WebEx) that occurs every other month. The registration information can be found at this link: Join an RSA Archer Working Group & See Upcoming Schedule 


Your company would need to have a Working Group NDA in place to attend. If you don't have an Working Group NDA in place, I can put you in contact with someone who can start the process. Our next UX Working Group meeting is Wed, January 10th. Note: the Working Group NDA is separate from the more general NDA that your company probably has in place. Thanks.




UAUT6YeCpXI7oJr5GXBQ1TPDmbBPrgXAO30pRQLq2uk=‌, I would suggest that support for custom stylesheets and javascript calls sits pretty high up there on my team's desired list of #ux improvements for Archer as you'll never be able to efficiently offer the flexibility you can achieve through native CSS via UI fields.

Contributor III

I'm running 6.3.  Can someone tell me what rgb color needs to be changed to impact the column headings on a cross-reference grid?

Archer Employee
Archer Employee

Unfortunately Katherine you cannot change the color of the column heads in a cross-reference, related record or sub-form fields at this time.


If you wish to suggest an enhancement to add this to the Appearance configuration I suggest submitting an Idea.  Please visit the  where you can submit an Idea, view all Ideas, and learn how Ideas work. 

Contributor III

The biggest issues are users have is the fact that sections no longer have borders, so it's difficult to tell where one section ends and another begins. Since the background colors in the content area are all the same, all of the fields blend in together. 

Contributor II


I guess that for the differentiation of the form sections, RSA can add a setting to the customization settings that allows the admin to change the color of that pale blue line (get closer to the screen and you can see a line). If this can be changed to the same color of the section title (dark blue), it will be visible and you can tell where the section starts/ends.

This with the addition of the form background color from white to anything else will provide a better visibility.


Archer section line.jpg