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Archer Employee

History and heroes? Sounds like tall talk, right? Nope, not at all. The time is now. And the Nashville.


Fifteen years ago the "Archer Summit" was born out of a dream to build a...


Hmmm...wait a second...come to think of it I never heard what the original dream was! Many of us joined the RSA Archer fold long after that fateful gathering. However I do know what came from it -- an amazing product propelled to the top of its industry by the largest GRC family on the planet!


Ever since then we've been regaled with tales about the first ever "Summit" .. the ragtag band of entrepreneurial pioneers .. the oppressive AZ heat .. and most importantly, the famous bar tab rescue (when the party venue's credit card machine stopped working before we could pay for our event!)


So what's the secret behind the magic? What's the common link that makes it all possible?


The answer of course is YOU!!


Without YOU there is no summit. It's that simple. The famous "bar tab rescue? Yep, that heroic effort was in fact customer led; just like the presentations that year and every year since. The RSA Archer Summit has always been about maximizing customer engagement and working together. Always customer first and customer focused.


If you've attended an RSA Archer Summit or RSA Charge event before then I have a question for you. Remember that feeling of being in the audience when your own personal light bulb went off as the presenter described a solution to a similar challenge that your organization was also facing? Seeking answers to that challenge might have even been the very reason that brought you to the summit in the first place.


Remember how fired up and encouraged you were to learn the speaker wasn't a professional trainer, but was actually just like you? A fellow customer sharing their story, educating peers across industries, and energizing you in the process. The RSA Archer Summit is a reflection of our impressive RSA Archer Community following and both are truly unique in our industry. Customers coming together out of an innate desire to learn and help each other as part of something bigger. What a cool concept to embrace.


Well guess what! Now it's your turn to be a hero! The only thing required to rise to the challenge is to simply submit a presentation idea. While the first Archer Summit may have been small and cozy, it was still very impactful. Just look how far we've come since then! Today customers from around the world and all levels of GRC maturity gather each year in growing record numbers to exchange ideas, learn, and get inspired to own risk.


If you've never attended an RSA Archer Summit you might be wondering whether you could also be a presenter. The answer is YES OF COURSE!! Some of our best presentations have come from customers that were not only first-time attendees, but achievement award winners too!


MARK YOUR CALENDARS: The Call for Speakers ENDS FEBRUARY 28, 2018!


The window is closing fast. Don't miss your chance to be one of the next heroes in the RSA Archer Community. The instructions below will guide you on completing your submission. Steve Schlarman's blog post offers several great tips on trending topics and presentation ideas. Additional insights can also be found here and here courtesy of my fellow GRC Strategists at RSA Archer HQ.


The speaker submission process is simple:

  1. Download the form.
  2. Complete the form.
  3. Email the completed form to Include “Speaker Submission” in the subject line.

(Final selections will be communicated to speakers once the selection committee reviews all submissions.)


So that covers the "hero" portion of my post. But what about the "history" part? How does that fit in?


Again, the answer is simple. What better way to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the original summit then to mark the occasion with the return of the RSA Archer-only summit too! While the combined RSA Charge event will continue bi-annually, us GRC folks are a pretty tight-knit group. We couldn't go two whole years between gatherings! We'd miss each other too much! Needless to say all of us here were pretty excited when we heard the news at RSA Charge last year. And we're grateful to our executive leadership for their continued support and confidence in the power of the RSA Archer Community and brand. I did mention we're also a big GRC family after all, right? donating your time and energy, and sharing your unique insights, not only can you walk taller as a recognizable hero in the RSA Archer Community, you can also become an important part of our unique history to boot! Speaking of boots...don't forget we'll be in Nashville this year too! Lots of boots, good music, and in the grand tradition of RSA Archer Summits past, always a great time had by all. General registration is also open now on the RSA Archer Summit website.


See you there partner!