Findings have been an Archer mainstay since the introduction of questionnaires. A finding allows users to document issues, deficiencies, or gaps within their organization. Findings can be manually created or automatically generated to highlight control deficiencies or incorrect responses to assessment questions.
You can enable auto-generated findings within any Archer questionnaire. In Application Builder, navigate to the Properties tab of the questionnaire and select the Enable Findings box. Once enabled, an incorrect answer to a question generates a finding, once the data conditions are met.
Like most content in Archer, you can configure the findings message. Within a questionnaire, navigate to the Configurations tab > Findings sub-tab. Within the Message section, you can include both free text and any one of four standard questionnaire fields (Question, Question Name, Answer, Score) in the message. Before CPR, you could not map fields from the target application, view fields available for selection, or be presented with error handling for incorrect syntax.
Archer CPR includes many enhancements to findings:
- The ability to select up to 10 fields from the target application.*
- A dropdown menu that lists fields available for selection from the questionnaire and target application.
- A counter that displays the number of fields already mapped.
- A data confidentiality warning when private fields or calculated fields referencing private fields are mapped.**
You can find the list of supported and unsupported field types below:
Supported Field Type Unsupported Field Type
Cross-References Attachments
Date Cross Application Status Tracking (ScoreCard)
First Published Date Content History Access
IP Address History Log
Last Updated Date Image
Matrix Multiple Reference Display Control (MRDC)
Numeric Questionnaire Reference
Record Status Record Permissions
Text Scheduler
Tracking ID Sub-Form
Users Groups List
Values List
*The FindingsGenerationJobHandler is responsible for generating findings. To avoid overloading the job and adversely impacting performance, the number of findings placeholders per questionnaire has been limited to 10.
**Private fields mapped to findings do not honor field level permissions. Fields are often set to private for everyone except a subset of users or groups. This provides read only access to everyone except the defined users/groups. Because this is a common practice among system administrators, we chose to include private fields in the list of placeholders. Archer displays a data confidentially warning when mapping private fields or private fields referenced in calculated fields, to make administrators aware that findings do not honor field level permissions.