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We are excited to announce the availability of Engage support for multi-lingual publish! We received multiple customer requests to support non-English languages for Engage. Our customers were looking to utilize the power and ease that Engage provided by publishing their requests (questionnaire/record creation template) in non-English languages.
We are happy to annouce the support of multi-lingual publish in Engage. To use this feature, you should be on Engage version 4.0.0, Engage Agent version 3.0.0, and Archer Platform version Customers can now publish the request(questionnaire/applications) in non-English languages. We have also enabled record creation template publish in multiple languages as part of this release.
We will first see the common terms and key considerations followed by deep dive into Multi-lingual assessment publish and record creation template publish process and end with the known limitations/behaviours.
Common Terms
Key Considerations
Multi-Lingual Assessment
With this feature, Customers will be able to publish any assessment record in selected non-English language. They can select the preferred publish language on the record page before publishing it to Engage. Engage notification will also be displayed in selected publish language.
Archer Configuration
A new field, either a single select value list or a single line text box has to be configured in the back office to specify the language in which the assessment has to be published.
An option is provided in Engage configuration tab (starting from Archer version to select the Publish Language. The Archer user can select an appropriate field in the dropdown values containing the fields for the questionnaire/application.
If custom object is used to publish the assessments, then the Archer user can mention the field id for the key "PublishLanguageFieldId" to publish the assessment in the desired language.
NOTE: If any other layout other than default layout is selected to publish an assessment, then section names and other object translations have to be added for that particular layout.
Publish Process
A single language from the values list can be selected or the language name can be entered in the text box based on the configuration made.
Other Considerations
Email Invite
The email invite will be sent in the language in which the assessment is published.
Engage Portal Experience
The new/existing user is presented with a language selection popup as soon as they log in to the Engage portal. This selection is used as the Portal Language. The selected Portal Language is used to display the user agreement page, guided tour and static labels on portal.
The Engage user can change the Portal Language at any time by navigating to the user profile.
Request content will be displayed in language selected at time of publish from Archer. The Request Language is mentioned in the overview section of the assessment as shown below. The Request language can be different from the Portal Language of the user.
Multi-Lingual Template
This feature will enable publish of record creation template in multiple languages as part of single publish process. This will provide multiple language options for Engage user to create new record.
Archer Configuration
Existing Custom object can be updated to publish record creation template in multiple languages. Archer user has to add the key "PublishLanguages" and add the languages with comma separated values. The first language mentioned in the custom object will be considered as the default language.
If the custom object is not updated with the key and intended language to publish, then the template will be published in English.
Email Invitation
Once the record creation template is published, an email to the Archer user will be sent and email will contain record creation URLs for different languages in which the template has been published. The default language will be the marked in the email with the word "(Default)" and will be the first link in the email.
Engage Flow
If a specific URL in the email is used to navigate to the record page, then the record page on Engage is displayed in the corresponding language.
When ”Create New” is clicked on portal, the application name under “Report” will be displayed in the portal language selected by the user, if the languages of the published template has the portal language of the user included. Else, the application name will be displayed in the default language in which the template was published.
This release introduces another field called "Language" in the Create New popup. This will be automatically selected to portal language or default language(When template publish did not happen in portal language). The “Language” field has a list of languages in which the template is published. Engage user can change the language in this popup. The record page will be displayed in the language which will be selected in this popup.
Key Considerations
Known Limitations/Behaviours