We’re thrilled to announce the launch of CRO Pathway! Here’s more information on the program and how you can get involved.
What is CRO Pathway? A program to connect and support risk professionals that are striving to advance their careers in governance, risk, and compliance, as well as elevate risk management at their organization using Archer. CRO Pathway is:
- Education: A growing and evolving curriculum of content, including executive interviews, analyst studies, and more that risk professionals can consume at their own pace.
- Connection: Interacting with risk executives, Executive Forum members, Archer experts, industry analysts, user groups and others that want to connect with each other on the Archer Community.
- Events: Archer-sponsored live events, like webinars, user groups, and Archer Summit, where risk professionals learn, interact, and build their knowledge and networks.
Why CRO Pathway? Practitioner knowledge is vital, but today’s risk professionals need opportunities to learn from and interact with risk leaders and other experts to learn the “soft skills” of being a successful risk leader.
Who is CRO Pathway available to? Archer customers, partners, and employees. There is no cost at this time to participate.
Where can I find CRO Pathway? Archer Academy and the CRO Pathway page on the Archer Community.
Here’s where to find CRO Pathway:
Step 1: Register for the CRO Pathway content on Archer Academy:
- The CRO Pathway training content is delivered through the Archer Academy learning portal.
- If you already have access to Archer Academy, proceed to step B.
- If you have never accessed Archer Academy learning content, navigate to https://id.archerirm.cloud and register for an account. Make sure to register using your company email address.
- Send an email to CROPathway@archerirm.com to request access. You will need to use your company email address to access the program.
- Once you are approved, you will receive email notifications from Archer Academy that you are enrolled in CRO Pathway courses.
Step 2: Access CRO Pathway content on Archer Academy:
- Go to https://id.archerirm.cloud.
- Log in and then click the Archer Academy tile.
- You are directed to the Archer Academy dashboard where you will find the CRO Pathway courses listed.
- Complete the first course, complete the evaluation, and download a certificate (for CPE credits).
- Go to the next course, and the next, and the next!
Step 3: Join the CRO Pathway site on the Archer Community:
- After watching your first course, log into Archer Community CRO Pathway site.
- Navigate to News, Events and Groups > User Groups > CRO Pathway.
- Become part of the CRO Pathway community, look for new content, events, and engage in conversation.
We hope you’ll take advantage of this valuable resource and let us know how we can make it better for you!