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Archer Employee
Archer Employee

For a long time, we have received your feedback, “RSA Archer provides a fantastic set of features, but if only it had equally compelling User Interface…”


Well, the wait is over! With RSA Archer v6.7, we just delivered the first batch of many of the UI improvements we have planned for delivery in upcoming releases. We are excited about how new UI appearance and user interaction has turned out. And we want you to be equally excited, when you get to try it out!


So, what has improved?


Global Header, Navigation Menu and Environment Bar

We have replaced complex, monolithic, counterintuitive, access all-features-at-once Mega Menu with modern, responsive and easy to navigate Global Header and Navigation Menu. The simple yet efficient navigation will speed up the learning curve for new users and eliminate the fatigue of experienced users having to click through many places for frequent, repetitive activities. 


Re-organization of frequently used features that existed in Mega Menu plus addition of other frequently used features  such as Type ahead global search, recent activities, assigned tasks, Back office (administration) pages, contextual search, User Preferences, Home page, Workspaces, Flexible Workspace Management control as well as Master report list greatly improves ease of access from anywhere in RSA Archer with a single click.


In addition, ability to customize the background and text of the new Environment bar (located above the Global Header) will help you easily identify the environment you are working on and eliminate the mistakes of doing edits in the wrong environment.


Global Header.png


Landing page iView for first line of Defense user

While we love RSA Archer for what it has to offer, navigating RSA Archer for a new user was a daunting experience. To tackle the problem, we have added a new "Landing page iView" type so that you can create a default landing page with links to frequently used features for the first line of defense users. You will also have opportunity to improve/customize the appearance with choice of adding an image as background to the iView.


First line of Defense User Landing Page.png


Appearance and Record page updates

We have modified the appearance of the User Interface. Rather than you trying to set primary and secondary options and hope for color algorithm to churn out the right color combination (which rarely happened), now you have direct control over selecting the colors of your choice and modifying the appearance.


The User Interface uses the system defined neutral, high-contrast color scheme to display the content while allowing you to control the color selection for prominent locations in UI such as Nav Menu, Footer and Environment bar as well as the branding logo in Global Header and the background image in Landing page iView. For more insight on this topic, please visit our other blog.


We also updated the Record page header to give it a modern, clean appearance and improve visibility to frequently used functions. For the records associated with application that uses the Advance Workflow (AWF), the record header also optionally displays a progress tracker aka Workflow tracker.


Record page (2).png


Dashboard and iView improvements

Along with other UI changes, we also made number of changes to Dashboard and iView such as the layout of components, color, font size, padding and other related modifications including addition of Quicklink bar.


Dashboard and iView improvements.png


For the demo and better insight to the Global Header, Navigation Menu, Record page header, Appearance, First line of defense landing page, Dashboard and iView improvements, please attend this week’s Free Friday Tech Huddle . We look forward to your attendance!