We are excited to announce the availability of Archer Engage Portal 3.2.0 along with Engage Agent 2.2.0. The admins can now configure Data Driven Events (DDEs) on record templates, which in turn will support DDE actions on Engage record creation page.
Release 3.2.0 supports the following DDE Actions:
- Apply Conditional Layout
- Display or Hide fields or sections
- Make fields or sections ReadOnly
- Require input in otherwise optional fields
- Set Date
- Set Values List
- Filter Values List
For On-Prem environments, Admins can configure and leverage DDE capabilities on record templates once Archer Platform is upgraded to version 6.9 SP3 or above, and the Archer Engage Agent 2.2.0 or above.
For published templates
- For the templates that have been already published, the Rules and Actions can be configured, and the template can be republished. This ensures the DDE works on the new records created from there on.
- The URL of the published template will remain the same when the DDE rules and actions are configured, and the template is republished.
As we start using the DDE capabilities, there are a few other considerations to make a note of:
- Set up DDE rules and actions on the layout that is published to Engage.
- Assign DDE ACL(Apply Conditional Layout) actions to the group "Everyone."
- As DDEs are applied to the content available on the layout, the Rules and Actions must be defined using only the fields available in the layout published to Engage. The supported field types for the Engage layout are Numeric, Text, Date, Values List, and Attachments.
- For the execution of rules containing Date & Time, only the Date part (after conversion to UTC) will be considered in the Portal.
- The default values added in the Archer platform will not be reflected on the record creation page of Engage.
- Set Action on page load of record creation page in Engage is not supported as part of this release.
- User can configure actions at section(s) level in Archer for record creation template as well. These actions will be applied to all fields under that section despite section(s) not being displayed in record creation page on Engage.
We look forward to hearing from you about this improvement and any additional capabilities you would like us to consider for the Engage products. Please share your feedback in the comments below.