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Can anyone help me out to download the attachment by using Rest API in Archer?

Collaborator III

I am working on one request where I need to download all the attachment from an application. I tried by using GetAttachmentFile , but still it doesnot works.


Archer Employee
Archer Employee

Abhishek Rai‌,


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Archer Employee
Archer Employee

Abhishek, can you post the SOAP call you're using?


More on, 

 Advisory Consultant

Hi David,


I used below SOAP as a reference:


<GetAttachmentFileResponse xmlns="">


Additonally, I also tried record.GetAttachmentFile($session_token, 436); but it is  returning "</File>"


It would be great if you could provide me some reference related to powershell? 


Thanks for the help!!

Thanks, the link I posted in my initial response is to the doc that tells you how to construct the SOAP request to get the file and what's expected when successful.


SOAP Request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""

<GetAttachmentFile xmlns="">

 Advisory Consultant

Thank you so much, David

Archer Employee
Archer Employee

To download Attachments using REST API, check out the attachment sections in the  Content  segment.  


REST API call to download:

Verb: GET

URL: /api/core/content/attachment/*attachmentid*

Sample Response for /api/core/content/attachment/23

  "Links": [],
  "RequestedObject": {
    "AttachmentBytes": "R0lGODlhDwAPAKECAAAAzMzM/////wAAACwAAAAADwAPAAACIISPeQHsrZ5ModrLlN48CXF8m2iQ3YmmKqVlRtW4MLwWACH+H09wdGltaXplZCBieSBVbGVhZCBTbWFydFNhdmVyIQAAOw==",
    "AttachmentName": "image.png"
  "IsSuccessful": true,
  "ValidationMessages": []


The following PowerShell shows how to download attachments to disk using a list of file ids:

# Set Instance info
$base_url = "http://web65/RSAarcher" 
$instance_name = "Archer"
$user_domain = ""
$username = "apiuser"
$password = "Password123$"

# Login and get session token
$login_url = $base_url + "/api/core/security/login"
$body = '{"InstanceName":"' + $instance_name + '","Username":"' + $username + '","UserDomain":"' + $user_domain + '","Password":"' + $password + '"}'
$response_login = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $login_url -Body $body -ContentType "application/json" 
if ($response_login.IsSuccessful) {
    $session_token = $response_login.RequestedObject.SessionToken
} else {
    Write-Warning "Unable to login with specified credentials"

# Create headers
$headersGET = @{}
$headersGET.Add("Authorization", "Archer session-id=" + $session_token)
$headersGET.Add("X-Http-Method-Override", "GET")
$headers = @{}
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Archer session-id=" + $session_token)

# Get list of attachment file ids, loop thru them and save to disk.
$fileIds = @(23,24,999)
foreach($fileId in $fileIds) {
    try {
        $api_url = $base_url + "/api/core/content/attachment/$fileId"
        $results = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $api_url -Headers $headersGET -ContentType "application/json" 
        if($results.IsSuccessful) { 
            $bytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($results.RequestedObject.AttachmentBytes)
            $filename = $results.RequestedObject.AttachmentName
            $filepath = "c:\temp\download\" + $filename
            [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($filepath, $bytes)
            Write-Host $filepath
        } else {
            Write-Warning ("Downloading File Id $fileid failed. " + ($results.ValidationMessages.Description | Join-String))
    catch {
        Write-Warning ("Unexpected error processing File Id $fileid. " + $_.Exception.Message)
    finally {
        $results=$null; $bytes=$null; $filename=$null; $filepath=$null


PowerShell Output:




Using the  Archer API Templates - an Archer application to quickly test the Archer Web Services API, REST API, and Content API using Custom Objects and much more


Thank you jeff, It is really helpful.

Hi Jeff,


I am getting below error as attached:



Collaborator III

Hi Jeff,


I resolved the issue. Thanks for your support.