You're correct. The code you're referencing above was a workaround for
your organization (and others like it) who are on-premises and don't
allow internet access to reference fonts. If you remember, it required
the installation of a font on your web ...
@MadhuSai1, I believe I fixed this issue in the latest release that's
included with the most recent Archer Enhanced Experience Tool & Utility
that's posted on the Archer Exchange.2024.02.28.1100• Fixes issue where
remove record icon was appearing on ...
Here's the workaround:On the Archer web server, unzip the attached file
and copy material-icons.woff2 file to the apps\common\fonts folder in
the default application folder of your Archer website.In the
ReformatLayoutCustomObject in Archer Accessorie...
The ReformatLayoutCustomObject should be loading the Material Icons
font:/* Imports Material Icons font for rendering new "more" and
"delete" buttons */@import
url(""); /*
Creates variable for se...
Archer's Platform API would let you retrieve the original filename (e.g.
my_file.csv as opposed to 1000.csv) and the binary contents of said file
as a base64 string by calling the
/platformapi/core/content/attachment/nnnn endpoint, where nnnn = the