Attempting to get a session token, but I am not getting any data back. I
am using below xml call in a JavaScript node.js setup.When I run in
POSTMAN I get the token as expected.I am getting a status 0 in the
username 50000
Setting up queries in POSTMAN. I am able to get session token but when
attempting to SearchRecordsByReport using GUID I get the below result.
soap:Client Server did
not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction:
When trying to compare dates ie date1 - date2. The page gets stuck on
loading. Is there a better way?Code$('div[id^="' + statusStartdateId +
'"]').change(function () {var startDate = new
Date($CM.getFieldValue(startdateId));var dueDate = new
I am trying to get a value from a field on the form in edit mode. I have
read the code below should work but it is always returning null. The end
goal is to compare to dates and show warning if start date is after due
date. It may be worth noting the...
I am looking to use the auto deployment feature in archer but I am
having issues with the correct url to api calls. I am confused as to
call API using a javascript or postman like environment.The example is
... Request ExamplePOST
I get the same result status = 0.The only difference I see is that I
require 'xhr2' for the XMLHttpRequestand the open is set to true vs
false - if set to false like yours I get an ( "POST",
"/ws/general.asmx", true);
Made the recommended changes and same result.My POSTMAN call does not
have headers except for content type and works great.code changes added
headers...xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('POST', '/archer/ws/general.asmx
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly on this. My complete code is
below. I am running in VSCode with the node modules. I have ran this
successfully in other instances but not with an xml call like mentioned
and not to ARCHER API. var XMLHttpReque...
That is good documentation but it doesn't resolve my issue. The above
code is ran in POSTMAN and returns a session token but when used in a
Node.js script I get a status = 0.Is there something I may be missing?