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2018-10-16 02:43 PM
How do I replicate the current user in the registry of an application?
2018-10-16 03:26 PM
If you just need to get userId or names, you can simply use global variables in Custom Object.
ArcherApp.globals.userId = 121212;
ArcherApp.globals.displayName = "Khen, Ilya";
ArcherApp.globals.firstName = "Ilya";
ArcherApp.globals.lastName = "Khen";
2018-10-25 02:53 PM
Sensational. Thank you very much, I would like to take another question. Can I capture information from the Company or Tittle field?
2018-10-25 03:41 PM
To get ore information of the user, you would need to use REST or WEB API, I believe.
2018-10-29 05:00 AM
Hi Ilya Khen, What are gloabal variables? Are these something Defined in Archer that we can use in Custom Objects?
2018-10-29 06:00 AM
They are defined in the Archer UI during the load. They are client based. You can see them from Developers Tools. And yes, as they are on client side, you can use them all in the Custom Object.
2018-10-29 01:00 PM
Thanks A lot!
2018-10-29 01:04 PM