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Can I save a record before another function?

Collaborator II

Hello All,


I have implemented Jason Solar's Prev-Next tab code Toggle Tab Controls (previous,next), but I would like to save the record before the tab switcher runs. I can get the record to save, then switch tabs, but then the page reloads and it goes back to the default tab. I am guessing I need to learn how to use David Petty‌'s suggested Windows sessionStorage Property, but I do not understand javascript enough to make those changes. Anyone that can help me would be greatly appreciated.




Thanks, David that moved me forward, but now we are getting a script error Unable to get property 'click' of undefined or null reference. for the following line of code.




I wish I knew more java to troubleshoot myself, but I am just don't understand enough. I did figure out the first issue last night, but I started getting this new error, so I figured I had put a curly brace or closing parentheses in the wrong place. 

Collaborator II

David Petty

Hi David,


I have the following code working it advances the tab at the same time it saves the record. However, I get the next tab on the screen, then when the master_btnApply function animation shows Loading it goes back to the tab I just left. 

<script type="text/javascript">  
var tabIndexes, tabSetId, selectedTabIndex, tabStripElementId, tabStrip;
Sys.Application.add_load(function() {
$.each($LM._tabSets, function(key, value) {
tabSetId = key;

if (tabSetId) {
tabIndexes = $LM._tabSets[tabSetId].tabIds;
tabStripElementId = 'master_DefaultContent_rts_ts' + tabSetId + '_t';
tabStrip = $find(tabStripElementId);
selectedTabIndex = tabStrip._selectedIndex;

// Hide previous button if users is on the first tab
if (selectedTabIndex == 0) $('.btnprev').hide();

// Hide next button if users is on the last tab
if (selectedTabIndex == 3) $('.btnnext').hide();
if (sessionStorage["tabIndex"]) {

function selectTab(action) {
var tabId, tab;
if (action == 'prev') {
sessionStorage.setItem("tabIndex", tabIndexes[selectedTabIndex-1]);
tabId = sessionStorage.getItem("tabIndex");
tab = $('li.tab_'+tabId).find('a.rtsLink').trigger('click');
$('#master_btnApply').click(); //Added by Ken to Save record first

if (action == 'next') {
sessionStorage.setItem("tabIndex", tabIndexes[selectedTabIndex+1]);
tabId = sessionStorage.getItem("tabIndex");
tab = $('li.tab_'+tabId).find('a.rtsLink').trigger('click');
$('#master_btnApply').click(); //Added by Ken to Save record first

console.log(tabIndexes, selectedTabIndex, tabId, tab);


 Scratching my head!!