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Archer Custom Object to open a cross reference record

Contributor III

Hello Everyone,


I have included the below custom code to open a particular record of a cross reference field based on the user logon name, however while closing the record (child record) I'm receiving the error (see the attached doc) - parent page loaded without css


Could you all look into this and advise? Appreciate your help in advance.


function getMatchingElements(){
var loggedInUser = parent.ArcherApp.globals.displayName;
var table = $('table[id *="21713srvgrid"] tbody');
   var count = 1;
   var str = '';
var matchingRows =[];

   table.find('tr').each(function (i) {
       var $tds = $(this).find('td'),
           trackingId= $tds.eq(0).find('a').text(),
           country = $tds.eq(1).find('span').text(),
     businessArea =$tds.eq(2).find('span').text() ,
     controlGroup =  $tds.eq(3).find('span').text(),
           signatory = $tds.eq(5).find('a').text();
           if(signatory === loggedInUser){
      str += count + "."+trackingId + "--";
    str += country + "--";
    str += businessArea + "--";
    str += controlGroup + "\n";


   if(matchingRows.length > 1){
    var response = prompt('You have '+ matchingRows.length + ' matching records waiting for approval. Please select one. '+ str + "Enter your selection.");

    var tr = table.find('tr')[matchingRows[(parseInt(response) -1)]];
   else if(matchingRows.length === 1){
  var selectedRow =  table.find('tr')[matchingRows[0]];
  var anchorElementTd = selectedRow.children[0].children[0];
  var href = anchorElementTd.href;

  var value = href.split("('")[1].split("|'")[0];


Contributor III

Hello Babu, 

Could you please attach the screenshot with proper styling . it would be easy to understand your requirement.

And you can open the link (#href ) in a new tab then no worry to close it ? will that work?

Thank you Jaskirat for your advise. Business requirement is to open in the same window. And the href is calling a JavaScript module and not a url.


Also attached the actual screen of how it looks

Contributor III

David Petty‌ - could you please help me with the above?