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Archer Employee
Archer Employee

Version 5.2 +





RSA Archer appreciates the rapidly changing technology landscape and the pressure it puts on customers to update environments and potentially impact business critical applications. We also know that updates to RSA Archer platform software in order to add functionality or to resolve security breaches can have a big impact on the Archer Solutions.


Because of this we’ve evaluated our current RSA Archer GRC Solutions support and created the Qualified and Supported Solutions plan and the Solutions Sustainability Policy to help our customers understand the risks involved with staying on older Solution versions. We also want to inform on how we are planning to qualify newer versions moving forward so that you can plan accordingly.


When RSA Archer Solution releases are introduced or majorly updated, they are Qualified on the most recent RSA Archer platform major or service pack release (Checkmark.jpg). A new Solution package is not compatible with earlier Archer versions prior to its build release and therefore those releases will be Not Applicable (RedX.jpg) for package installation.


When a new release is Qualified and becomes the new recommended Solution version, older Solution versions will move from qualified to tested or supported.  These changes are documented with each release in the Qualified and Supported Platform section of the Release Notes on the RSA Archer Community.


Subsequent Archer Platform Releases

When RSA Archer announces new major releases or service pack (SP) releases, we apply those updates to the test environment for existing Archer Solutions to ensure there are no negative impacts on the Archer Solution functionality. A suite of automated Solution regression tests are run for each GRC Core Solution on this test environment. These releases are then quantified as Tested (Checkmark.jpg).


Note: Only the current major release, one major release prior and their associated service packs will be considered qualified or tested. Releases greater than one back that were previously tested will move to Supported (YellowExclamation.jpg)  for a couple more releases before they become Not Supported (RedX.jpg).


Items Not Qualified

Due to the complexity of Archer, there are limits to what can and can’t be tested.  The following list calls out the things that we will not commit to testing on Archer Solutions where platform updates are concerned:

  • We will not test Solutions against any RSA Archer “hot fix” release
  • We will not test Solutions against any RSA Archer patch release.


Notification of Changes

Additionally, with each new RSA Archer platform major or service pack release, we will provide an updated Qualified and Supported Solutions Plan document that clearly shows RSA Archer versions we are utilizing in test.


Support and Service

Please contact the Archer Support Team at archersupport@rsa.comor call 1-888-539-EGRCfor more information.

1 Comment
Contributor III

We are updating our internal Archer Development Schedule, and making plans for 2017. I was looking around on the community for information on the status of our current solutions life span to determine if we need to set aside time next year for any potential upgrades. It would be very helpful if you could update this chart for v6.1, or please let me know if this current version should suffice. Thanks!