With today’s ever growing threat landscape, the volume, sophistication, and potential damages of attacks is increasing. It is becoming increasingly harder to stop attackers from entering your system networks, isolating their motives, and most importantly removing them once they are there. A typical security environment uses multiple disconnected technologies, supplying an immense amount of information. Prioritizing a specific piece of data is important to responding quickly to attacks. At a higher level, however, there is a need to understand if the security strategy is really effective for the business. In summation, businesses need to change their security strategies.
The solution? RSA provides a top down approach strategically linking business risk management with security events and priorities
- Make security teams operationally more impactful
- Strategically manage business risk
By bringing different practices together, linking security incidents with business context allows security teams to respond faster to protect what matters most.
The RSA suite of tools
- Keeps the bad actors out, but allows entry to those that have legitimate need to easily access the system
- Enables visibility and analytics to view the big picture to provide insights into specific attacks
- Provides business context linked to contextual intelligence for a more informed approach
- which can then be translated into action
The video in this eLearning discusses how RSA’s tools provide both the detailed information linked to the business context to protect the most sensitive assets.