In Engage for Vendors 2.2.0 release, we revamped Assessment and Home Page UI in portal to further enhance user experience and ease of use. Also, we added support for using portal in mobile browser.
1. Assessment Page Changes
Assessment page has a new look which provides more vertical space for questionnaire display. Assessment page has 3 parts:
- Left - Section Panel
- Center – Questionnaire
- Right - Overview, Participants, and Filters
Header of the assessment contains customer name and assessment name for easy reference.
a. Section Panel
Section panel contains list of sections present on the assessment. To navigate to a section, users click on that Section Name in the section panel. This reduces excessive scrolling through Questionnaire. Leverage the section panel to assign sections to different users. If the user scrolls through questionnaire, section panel highlights current section the user is on.
b. Right Side Panel
Overview Section: contains assessment instructions, overall progress, due date, and owner details. In addition, you can find a guided tour to orient the user on the assessment page.
Participants Section: contains list of participants on this assessment. It indicates any user working currently on this assessment with green dot next to their name. The participant icon displays the number of users currently working on that assessment.
Filter Section: contains options to filter assessment questions based on required, completion or assigned participants
Note: Users can collapse right side panel by clicking on arrow that appear on hovering near top of right-side panel
2. Home Page
Home Page contains updated open and submitted request sections. Calendar view and summary tiles were removed from home page.
Navigation to home page received updates. Users can go to hamburger menu on top left corner and click on customer requests to navigate to home page from assessment page.
3. Support for using Portal in Mobile Browser
We added support for using Portal on mobile browser. On home page, users can see list of open/submitted requests. Users can click anywhere on the assessment summary to navigate to the assessment.
The assessment page contains sections and questions with customer name and assessment name prominently displayed.
Users can click on vertical ellipsis icon next to assessment name to access section panel, filters, participants, and overview sections