Next week, on October 5th, many companies and professionals all over the world will be celebrating CX Day – a day set aside to focus and celebrate customer experience created by companies and their people and processes. It is an important day, and we at Dell, RSA, and Archer will definitely take part in festivities planned to mark such occasion. We will take the time to review all the things we do well, recognize individuals in our company who exemplify the right attitude and approach at taking care of our customers, and talk about the plans we have to kick our customers’ experience to an even higher level.
But…. anyone can do that.
What makes this day authentic here at Archer, is that you, our customers, are the central point of all of our activities, not just on CX day, but every day and at every part of our journey together.
I wrote in my previous blog about the formation of the Total Customer Experience (TCE) forum to focus even more on the experience we provide to you. With the renewed and a more focused effort through this forum, I am happy to see improvements already in several aspects of our business that result in a better experience. Here are a few to mention:
- Faster time to relief – through the combined efforts of Customer Support team and Engineering, we have seen measurable improvements in time to relief on support issues opened by our customers. We have focused on better technical training for the teams, improved communication methods, and closer collaboration with engineering. I hope you have noticed the improvements.
- Improved availability of resources – with the increased focus on providing more resources to enable you, our customers, we have been able to more than double ourKnowledge Base. In addition to all articles now being accessible from our Community, the most frequently used KB’s are easily seen on the main page. And, they are now easier than ever to find – you can Google them. Give it a try.
- Closer collaboration with the GRC Community – from Champions Network to a plethora of Working Groups, to Roadmap review meetings, staying connected with both Archer Product direction and the GRC community has never been easier. Get involved if you haven’t yet.
In addition to this, we have work going on in a lot of other areas, such as:
- Improving our billing process
- Refining our licensing and entitlement process
- Accelerating our ability to provide resolution to both support and product issues
So, as we approach CX Day, and I reflect on what this means to me, two thoughts come to mind. First, thank you for being our customers – our biggest advocates, and our firmest drivers for change and improvement. Without you, there’d be no C in the CX day. And second, I am so excited to be part of a team who not only provides a great product, but realizes that without a great experience to go along with it, we would never succeed. I am excited to continue in our journey together and can’t wait to achiever bigger and better results.
Thank you and happy CX Day to all!