There is a natural synergy between Engage for Vendor (E4V) and Engage for Business Users (E4BU) products. Therefore, combining them into a single deployment will simplify integration with Archer and make ongoing administration and content monitoring efficient. In addition, the end-users needing to work on both products will also benefit from having a single access point to manage their work. Therefore, after review and deliberation, we are moving to a single data store to save the data for both Engage products with a logical separation to limit the access.
This design will not compromise the data security, as the Engage product portfolio design naturally supports content security through multiple controls:
- Administrators or Risk Managers explicitly publish data to Engage, limiting the available data in Engage at any time.
- The Engage datastore retains the published data for a limited time (default set to 180 days).
- A user can access the data only if Administrators or Risk Managers have expressly granted access to specific records while publishing from Archer to Engage, or when another approved user who has access to the record initiates the collaboration and is within a previously specified set of email domains.
However, we would like to get your thoughts. For example, if you use both Engage Products or plan to use both products in your organization, which security requirements, if any, within your company might limit your use of the products?
We look forward to your feedback through the comments section in this blog.