Transitioning from RSA Ready to the Archer Exchange
For the last several years, partner-provided Archer integrations have been vetted, managed, and certified by the RSA Ready program. RSA Ready has been instrumental in increasing the breadth, depth, and number of integrations offered to Archer customers after the re-launch of the Archer Exchange in 2017.
For the last several months we have been working diligently to transition the responsibility for Archer partner integrations from RSA Ready to the Archer Exchange team. I am happy to announce that, effective July 2021, all partner integrations moving forward will be managed by the Archer Exchange. The primary motivator for this update is to align all partner provided offerings under one program and provide a seamless experience for our partners and customers.
What does this program update mean for you?
The primary benefit of this program update is the streamlining and efficiency of working with one Archer team for any offering type (app-pack, tool & utility, integrations, and content) that an Archer partner seeks to certify on the Archer Exchange. There is one partner agreement to participate in the Archer Exchange Technology Partner Program, regardless of offering type, and one point of contact for all program questions and certification activities.
If you are an Archer partner or customer, you may have more specific questions about how this update impacts you. How do you move forward if you were a part of the RSA Ready program? What if you are an Alliance or Channel partner /existing Archer Exchange Technology Partner? Refer to the information shown below for more details on your specific situation.
Archer Customers
There are no material changes to how you will interact with the Archer Exchange as a result of this change. The Archer Exchange Offering List is your one-stop shop for all available integrations. Please contact us at with any questions.
Existing RSA Ready Partners
- Legal Agreement
The RSA Ready agreement you have in place will remain effective.
- Not-For-Resale (NFR) License Renewals
Have an Archer NFR License question or need to request a license renewal? Send the Archer Exchange team a request at and we’ll get you headed in the right direction.
- Point of Contact
Your primary point of contact for your existing integration has changed. Please contact the Archer Exchange team at for any inquiries.
Existing Alliance/Channel/Archer Exchange Technology Partners
There are no material changes to how you will interact with the Archer Exchange as a result of this change. Please contact us at with any questions.
New Technology Partners
Archer Exchange Program Overview and Process
Regardless of your partner status (new, existing, been a while since we’ve talked), we want to provide a refresher on the Archer Exchange and the process for sharing an offering you are excited about with the Archer Community.
The Archer ecosystem is designed to enable customers to tap into the collective knowledge of the Archer community – both industry peers and certified Archer experts – to help get their risk management program on the right path, right from the start. The Archer Exchange is an integral part of the Archer ecosystem, providing a faster and more flexible development cycle for Archer and Archer partners to deliver value-add offerings for Archer implementations.
The Archer Exchange Technology Partner Program offers a structured process for Archer partners to develop, verify, and market innovative software technologies that augment the Archer Suite. It helps highlight partner product expertise and product interoperability with the Archer Suite on the Archer Exchange, expanding visibility and reach with Archer customers worldwide.
Ready to share your expertise with the world? New and existing partners can follow the simple steps below to get an offering on its way to primetime! Refer to the Archer Exchange Technology Partner Program for more detailed instructions.
Next Steps
I’m excited about the opportunities ahead for Archer partners and customers with the continued growth of the Archer Exchange!
If you are a partner interested in discussing an existing Archer Exchange integration (re-certification, updates, what this change means to you) or want to learn more about joining the Archer Exchange Technology Partner program, please contact us at