Today’s business environment is fraught with risk. Economic, technology and market conditions affect organizations on a daily basis. The constantly “changing risk landscape” is a discussion point in headlines, industry forums, media outlets and board rooms. Risk management will become the core capability which separates winners from losers. Organizations that understand and manage risk effectively will prosper while those that can’t will fail. Success starts with the ability to manage risk in a manner that frees up resources to focus on the company’s long term, strategic objectives. Risk Intelligence gives companies the confidence to harness risk to explore new opportunities.
The RSA Archer Risk Intelligence Index is a simple measurement of the six major dimensions of risk management that organizations must address in order to turn risk into a competitive advantage to fuel the enterprise. In October 2015, RSA completed a global survey of almost 400 organizations to gather insight into current trends and perceptions regarding Risk Management. The survey utilized RSA’s proprietary Risk Intelligence Index to ask questions around key areas of risk and how organizations are addressing the changing risk landscape.
I am happy to announce the publication of an eBook highlighting the results from the survey.
Download the eBook here.