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2018-09-06 03:22 PM
I tried to connect Power Bi with Archer using ODataFeed and still obtained this message "A missing or empty content type header was found when trying to read a message. The content type header is required."
2018-09-06 05:52 PM
Not familiar with Power Bi, but what did you put as the content type header?
2018-09-07 12:50 PM
Nothing .... Do I need to update a config file ?
2018-09-07 01:01 PM
Again not familiar with Power BI, but I was getting a similar message using javascript trying to call api's when I didn't have the content-type set.
I looked at this posting as it has some info on power bi, but I didn't see anything around what I expected.
Sorry, I'm not much help.
2018-09-27 02:35 PM
Video nicely shows how to use Content API and connect to PowerBI, but problem is that dependency to session token ID which is different in every session.
Is there an easy way to build this connection as continuous, otherwise it requires each time password (session ID) to refresh the data...Scott Hagemeyer
2019-02-11 08:48 AM
Hi Unal,
We faced the same scenario. For a workaround, I built a super simple small app that lets the user login and get their session ID via API. This isn't ideal because that user's session will have been ended in other browsers they may be using. They are aware of that though.
We went this route because then we didn't have to build separate accounts for those Power BI users which replicated their access. We also didn't want to provide a service account with access greater than their current access.
I hope that helps until there's a better solution native to Archer.
2019-02-11 09:30 AM
The need for support Win Auth / SSO is well known here internally. While not included for the Spring release, I'm going to push for it for the Fall.
I believe there's an Idea over on you can vote for to add support.
2019-02-11 09:55 AM
I guess it is this one:
Multiple sessions for end users (Standard UI + PowerBI)
I voted up. Thanks a lot Scott for confirming this, everyday different customers talks about PowerBI integration with Archer and this has been an issue. Would be great to build a sustaining connection to PowerBI with Content API.
How about the 1000 record limitation of Content API by the way? Is that still the case, and how to overcome that? Douglas Campbell Scott Hagemeyer
2019-02-11 10:44 AM
The Content API contains a "?skip=N" parameter for you to be able to return the rest of the data. You can paginate over this by calling the skip with N = 1000, 2000, 3000, etc to return the additional pages. Keep looping until you get back less than 1000 records, and then you know you have them all.
This should be covered in the RSA Archer 6.5 Content API Reference Guide.
2019-10-08 04:36 PM
Starting with RSA Archer 6.7, available at the end of this month, the Content API will include a new "?top=" supported OData parameter. It will default to 1000 if unspecified, as it does today, and has a maximum value of 10,000 records per call by default. The setting can be overridden in a *.config file if you have the hardware to support the volume, with no system enforced maximum. Theoretically, customers with enough supporting hardware can configure the Content API to return over ONE BILLION records in a single API if they so choose, although I'm guessing the hardware required to support that much data movement is cost prohibitive.
More details on this, and the rest of the RSA Archer 6.7 release will be coming out starting at the end of the month and continuing for many weeks as we post blogs, data sheets, documentation, and host Free Friday Tech Huddle (FFTH) on all of the amazing features that are coming to an RSA Archer installation near you soon!