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“Show filters” button custom object in subform section

Contributor II


@DavidPetty @Ilya_Khen 

Could you please help if there is any custom object  for “Show filters”  button which helps in filtering the records in the sub-form section of the application. We are having many Questionnaire comment sub form records with completed and Open status .Requirement is  to provide the ability to apply filters on status column in sub form section to fetch only “Open” sub-form comments in a questionnaire record.


Archer Employee
Archer Employee

@Pavan_2835 that's a little tricky to do being the sub-form could have more records than what's displayed in the grid when the record first loads.

I don't have any custom objects that can do this but shouldn't too hard to do.  Just have to loop through the table rows looking for rows that don't have "Open" in the status column and hide them.


 Advisory Consultant

I think there is an Idea to enable configuration on xref lookups to show filter by default.