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2018-06-07 04:59 AM
Hello everyone!
I have quite a lot of data feeds that runs every 5 minutes to keep up with data changes.
If I'm not wrong, in one of the FFTH I've heard something about service/app, that could listen for changes in Archer and trigger Data Feed.
Have anyone aware of this?
Best regards,
2018-11-14 04:46 AM
You are looking for Bodie Minster's utility on the RSA Exchange for RSA Archer" data-type="space:
2018-06-07 06:06 AM
Not sure about servlet, but maybe it is coming from here as a beginning:
2018-06-07 07:39 AM
I know about custom object to trigger DF, but no, this was different thing.
Actually, I found where I've heard it.
Scott Hagemeyer's FFTH on RSA Archer Release 6.4: Integrations Enhancements.
At 34:40 there is talk I've mentioned.
2018-11-14 04:46 AM
You are looking for Bodie Minster's utility on the RSA Exchange for RSA Archer" data-type="space:
2018-11-14 04:50 AM
Yes, that's the tool I was looking for.
Actually, I'm already using it almost for a month in production. Forgot to close my answer.
2018-11-14 05:13 AM
Glad to hear it! How is the utility working for you?
2018-11-14 05:38 AM
Quite good! I'm using mostly file monitor, and without need of launching df every few minutes, job processing works more stable.
However, I found that if there are too many monitors in the config (about 10-15 in my case), tool itself spends more than a minute or two to check them all. Still looking into the problem.
2018-11-14 10:56 AM
It sounds plausible that it could take 1-2 minutes to verify files. The time it takes to check each one would depend on a number of factors which could include things like:
It should be possible for us to thread the execution of each data feed monitor so that some number of them can run concurrently. What are your thoughts on a reasonable number of threads? 10 maybe?
2018-11-15 01:12 AM
Thanks for reply,
I've looked into logs, and it looks like it's not the monitors itself takes time. There is a big delay between Logging Init and first CheckMonitors():
11.15.2018 08:57:00.779 :: INFO :: [LoggingInit] :: Logging Initialized
11.15.2018 09:06:28.112 :: INFO :: DataFeedMonitor.CheckMonitors() :: Checking criteria for monitor DF1 (A2A).
11.15.2018 09:06:28.727 :: INFO :: DataFeedMonitor.CheckMonitors() :: Criteria not met.
11.15.2018 09:06:28.732 :: INFO :: DataFeedMonitor.CheckMonitors() :: Checking criteria for monitor DF2 (A2A).
11.15.2018 09:06:30.038 :: INFO :: DataFeedMonitor.CheckMonitors() :: Criteria not met.
11.15.2018 09:06:30.039 :: INFO :: DataFeedMonitor.CheckMonitors() :: Checking criteria for monitor DF3 (A2A).
11.15.2018 09:06:31.164 :: INFO :: DataFeedMonitor.CheckMonitors() :: Criteria not met.
11.15.2018 09:06:31.167 :: INFO :: DataFeedMonitor.CheckMonitors() :: Checking criteria for monitor DF4 (A2A).
11.15.2018 09:06:32.275 :: INFO :: DataFeedMonitor.CheckMonitors() :: Criteria not met.
11.15.2018 09:06:32.283 :: INFO :: DataFeedMonitor.CheckMonitors() :: Checking criteria for monitor DF5 (A2A).
11.15.2018 09:06:33.537 :: INFO :: DataFeedMonitor.CheckMonitors() :: Criteria not met.
11.15.2018 09:06:33.555 :: INFO :: DataFeedMonitor.CheckMonitors() :: Checking criteria for monitor DF6 (А2А).
11.15.2018 09:06:34.138 :: INFO :: DataFeedMonitor.CheckMonitors() :: Criteria met, executing feed D393B502-D97C-451D-A538-24C7FDA1FC39.
And in this case all of the monitors are Archer-to-Archer ones.