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2017-07-11 11:58 AM
As we know in data feed manager we have a checkbox that allows us to ignore the rules defined for our application (such as a required field) when saving a record. I have a unique situation where we have a required values list (radio button) that has two values and a data feed we are replacing with a report based API clears the values for that field.
Has anyone found a way to ignore required field rules set by the ODA similar to how the data feed manager allows this?
2017-07-11 12:35 PM
I'm not aware of a way to bypass validation via the API. daGjf7HOzC0MQsqPGAPHl8ovFPk75obP5TkqWBBVboY= or GhgcdMq8HwHRCWZuqMwEETnAH3l0sBKt8utOGHAgtsY=, any ideas?
Since we allow it in DFM, to me it makes sense to allow it via the content updating methods of the API as well. Please submit your enhancement request to so it can be logged in our backlog.
2017-07-11 01:16 PM
I'm not aware of anyway via the APIs to ignore the rules when creating/updating records unless there some undocumented setting somewhere.
As a workaround and depending how the field is required; if it's via an ACL you could add the user account that's adding/updating the record with the exclude option in the ACL that set the field as required.
Advisory Consultant
2017-07-11 03:08 PM
2017-07-11 03:19 PM
I agree that's a great work around for this particular situation, but opens up greater dialog with developers when we need several required fields (over 40) changed from the field to DDE-ACL. Business lines need to re-test, some ACL's are set for specific users, etc.
2017-07-11 03:30 PM
That's the biggest pain point is converting from a field setting to an Event Action in regards to required fields, implementing and testing.
It wouldn't hurt to reach out to support ( and see if they know if it's possible to bypass the validation rules via the APIs that exists outside of the docs.
Advisory Consultant
2017-07-11 04:25 PM
I've confirmed with Engineering there is no way to ignore validation when creating/updating content via the REST API.
If you haven't already, I recommend opening a support case to create an enhancement request. Also, I recommend you Joining the working groups allows you to speak directly with the Product Team about common issues, provide feedback on current and future features, and share experiences with other customers.
As a side note and going the opposite direction, invalid field values are ignored by Archer and no validation messages are returned. For example, an invalid IP address is ignored OR an invalid Content Id for a Cross-Reference/Related Records field. But, validation messages are returned for required fields or violation of min/max number of related records. I encourage customers to open a support case requesting your company be added to enhancement request ARCHER-32631: In API, perform more data validation and provide detailed messages for fields with invalid values.
2017-09-25 04:32 PM
Hi Jeff, Thanks for posting the confirmation that ignoring validation isn't possible with the REST API. Any chance it's available with the SOAP API?
2017-09-25 05:13 PM
OEE0lAsFcw1VF0AowVsCRxzkBsVx0ABuUKSfAkPfxEQ= - Unfortunately, the SOAP / Web Services API cannot ignore validation either.
2017-09-25 05:16 PM
That's what I figured, but I appreciate you confirming!